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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. I love it because its perfectly Lana but also perfectly Disney sounding, it's the right amount of both.
  2. It's very dark and beautiful, sounds exactly how i imagined it considering it's made with Maleficent in mind. Cant' wait for a HQ. It's a bit Danny Elfman-ish sounding.
  3. She no doubt has her seat way at the back, her choosing, otherwise she would be forced to shaire upfront seats with the vile presence of Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and the rest of those hack fools.
  4. Waiting for dat kidsbopz COLA... "My kitty tastes like warm milk before bed"
  5. Stephanie Germanotta? She at home waiting for dat Maleficent song preview like us x
  6. Whatever the outcome for the quality of the film, there is one thing that is certain, Jolie will eat the fuck out of this role. Her presence in the trailers alone is incredible.
  7. 18? Geez, i think 12-14 track album is more than enough. I'd hate to have some over long over saturated album. Paradise only had 8 songs and that had a much better flow and structure than many 12 track albums i own.
  8. The news is spreading everywhere, all online music sites and entertainment sites are reporting it.
  9. My God yes. How completely uneducated to assume that because someone creates something that has a strong visual message that it's a Gaga copy, because she invented visuals of course, lets not remember all the people that came before her who shes ripping mind you, not that i care, but if you're going to reference another artist against someone like Lana, it sure as hell isn't Gaga.
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