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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. I wouldn't really call what we see "pole dancing", she just holding a pole and gyrating wiith a wind machine, it's not like she'll be doing triple pole air spins and scissor leg combo attack moves, i don't think she had to learn much for it tbh.
  2. Wow. I hope the film lives up to the trailer because that was really good.
  3. really what other singer is greeted with flowers at airport? no one, only lana flower crown sadcore princess recieves such offerings x
  4. Perfume is fucking terrible. Passanger is great though. Nice melody.
  5. This is what happesn when you hype your previous album to oblivion, you won't be able to top it next time around and "real" unhyped sales will show their colours. Her U.S debut first weeks have ALWAYS been fairly low expect for Hype This Way, so this debut for Artpop is really no big new drama for her, however, i do think the way she promotes herself both image wise and muscially has started to fade for the public, and it's expected, no one can keep that momentum, so in comes the obvious drop from such a huge nearly 5 year high. Peaks don't really matter though, it's how long the album can hold on for, and so far it's slipping fairly fast on iTunes when it really should be up there. How is Katy fucking Perry outselling her in so many places on iTunes????? As much as i love the album production wise, really....most of the songs are about her clit or her ass, it's great she feels like image wise she can transform all the time and i do think she's talented and i don't mind throw away pop songs from her, but 4 albums in and i was expecting a tiny bit more lyrically than 99% of "take my body, i touch my pussy when i go to sleep, my ass is famous, runway runway, fashion, go girl, look under my burqa see my clit" ect ect ect. I don't need a "deep' album from her per se, but i do think she can broaden her themes a little on this record. Other than Dope there's really nothing else on here that isn't immature lyrically, and i think people are trying to piece together just what part of her is meant to be this big "artist" outside of wearing funny clothes. Dress like Bjork, sing Britney songs ............it makes no sense. There needs to be some connectivity with her image and music, and i can't see it, her image and music do not reflect each other, and they don't always have to, but they kinda hardly ever do lately. People are bored, well at least the bulk of people who were around for the last few albums and doing such vapid music isn't gonna get her the props we all know she wants. She has her own sound at times and she certainly has a signature voice, but so much of Artpop can be sung by any slutty girl with some pipes. This is the same reason Katy Perry is so fucking boring to me, she's anyone, there's nothing about her. There's SOMETHING about Gaga, but i just don't think she is using it very well, she's becoming lost in a sea of "hot music" for "radio", i just thought maybe she would deliver something a little more meater as an artist. Like i said, i am enjoying the album a lot, i've liked all her albums, but i feel this one is her most simple artistically, and not in an interesting way. Anyway, whatevs, hopefully she doesn;t aim for Venus as the next single because NO ONE is here for that on radio, i like it a lot, but i just think it will suffer the same fate as Judas. After DWUW she NEEDS Gypsy, that is the ONLY song that is a true life line for her if she wants the album to sell slow and steady over the coming 12 months.
  6. It's crazy. Young and Beautiful has just re-entered the top #15 singles chart here in Australia after it's #9 debut months ago. Paradise is also in the top #20 albums as well. Good music sticks around i guess, plus now that all the hype has died down and all the BS press lashings, people have kinda cooled off and just started enjoying the fucking music.
  7. Saw the mag on a stand near where i work but the fucking thing was $17 lol, i don't think so cunts.
  8. Sometimes it's more about emotion and genuine delivery than high notes and perfected vocals, that above video is why i love Lana's voice on that song and not Miley's.
  9. I think you're all getting a bit carried away with the inclusion of other songs, this isn't some garbage dump project where EVERY unreleased single is going to be shoved in there for the sake of it. She was very specific to name 3 songs in the film, so thats probbly all we'll get. Also, why do you all assume that the songs themselves will be used how they are on the album?........Body Electric may go for 6 minutes with dialog interuptions, instrumental extensions ect. some of you seem to think the film will be "talking, song, talking, song, talking, song, end credits", i doubt it will be so perfectly put together. I bet the entire thing will be one long 3 track semi-mega mix sort of thing.
  10. Posted the vid on my Aussie Lana fan page and the comments section literally erupted lol, mostly full of hate commnts, poor Miley doll. She has a good voice, but this song is not for her, it needs Lanas soft sad vocals, not Miley's texas yokle.
  11. It's going to be so pretentious and self indulgent and beautiful omg i cant wait. It's like Lana on overdrive, she is really gonna o out with a bang by throwing this thing at everyone, flowers will rain from the skies, top lips will grow on all the fans, out kettles will whistle just like BTD over production yasss!!!!!!
  12. Honestly, im sure the film will have a story to it but im expecting this to be very abstract in it's presentation. I'm not even going to bother trying to figure out what praying to John Wayne is lol.
  13. Even if it's not out in 2 weeks, i'm sure it will be out soon after that period anyway, now with a trailer we KNOW it's still happening, i really can't imagine it not being release by mid December at the latest.
  14. I am expecting lush strings, sweeping dreamy direction, grainy video, self indulgent poetic dialog and Lana looking stunning for 30 minutes. It's literally going to be a Lana Del Rey orgasm for the eyes. I AM READY.
  15. Imagine being Lana Del Rey, singing one of your beautiful songs to the crowd at a wedding, and then you turn around and there she is............ Kim Kardashian, right there, watching you. Imagine the chills down your spine at that CREATURE in your presence
  16. So, to clarify...... Barrie should kiss the ground she walks on because.... She pays his bills. Dat band of his got no cash, lets be honest. He sleeps in her house. Even though he looks homeless most of the time. He eats her lush puss. And we all know anyone who gets to do that should be on their knees thanking Lordna daily. He looks like he stinks of piss. She looks like she stinks of flowers and powder.....it doesn't match doll. He needs to cut his hair, or stick a flower crown on it because that shit looks damp and greasy. I saw dat SUMMER WINE, i saw the love, it's amazing, i wish to dance for Barrie on da beach just like she does in dat first part, but truth is........without Summer Wine, i'd probs just put a dollar bill in his coffee cup x. #Tropico2015
  17. Would comment on her table cloth top, but scared what rebel might to do me on here
  18. Doll, Barrie is not your best friend, no need to have a breakdown, i think fucking Lana all night and spending all her millions makes he happy enough whether i like him or not. x.
  19. You really need to take breath and get a sense of humour doll. Dat Tropico delay making you crazy. x.
  20. Sorry but i hope he kisses the fucking ground she walks on daily, he is LUCKY to have her for reasons i will NOT get into x.
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