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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  2. Coney Island King


    2 minute interlude? Keep it.
  3. A few decent tracks, but the new album feels.....underwhelming?....
  4. They don’t give an opinion on anything..... what a pointless review.
  5. Pretty chorus, nice as a buzz single. Next single needs to pop more.
  6. Yeah, it was out nearly 2 years ago, people are acting like it’s 6 months old.
  7. I imagine before we get this she will cancel it, remake it, then turn it into her offical 3rd album for 2023.
  8. Can she hurry up with this fucking mixtape already.
  9. Coney Island King


    I haven’t liked the two singles from this album and with the release having only 8 songs i can’t help but feel very underwhelmed by everything.
  10. Do people really take astrology this seriously?
  11. Wtf is she talking about...
  12. The EP is ok. I like Numbers, The Bakery and does she sample J.Lo’s If you Had My Love on the chorus of Brains and Heart? I also learnt today that she sleeps in a crib? lol guuurl...
  13. So will the next album be a bunch of interludes??
  14. I saw the pearl gloves and heels and i fucking SCREAMED
  15. I like the sound of the new single. Hope the EP is good, her last album was very dull.
  16. I’m surprised the album isn’t holding on to higher positions on charts stills. Rain On Me is still in the charts though.
  17. Ya’ll jump to some serious conclusions with this girl.
  18. Like even if she asked about the album all Lana would have said is “soon” or some shit.
  19. So much homosexuality on that stage. A queen.
  20. It always upsets me that Malena only became accepted after she was torn down and her beauty was muted, ugh. She was such a bad bitch before that.
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