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Everything posted by godsmonster

  1. Chine Fina is number one, but Cruel World is definitely right behind
  2. anyone else remember how iconic summer 2017 was? Joanne World Tour all the ARTPOP leaks? and how iconic was it when all the delusional fans thought The Cure was going to get a music video, and had a meltdown when the non-existent music video that they created in their minds didn't drop
  3. which backing vocals, there's 30 of them lol
  4. godsmonster

    Dua Lipa

    hmm I have the demo for Running that leaks years ago (yes there is a slight difference between the demo and the released version) however for this, it kind of sounds fake (and not very well mixed)
  5. lol well, since she clearly doesn't want a music career, we should lock this thread cause she clearly ain't gonna give us anything other than vagua Instagram posts of stuff
  6. godsmonster

    Dua Lipa

    the way I was hardcore jamming out to this song in my car on the highway earlier today
  7. godsmonster


    i did a brief listen of her album (like 30 seconds of each songs chorus, that's usually all I need to hear to know if i'll like a song or not) I like Mine, Touch My Body and I LOVE Candy EDIT I really like Devil
  8. tbh the only song from ASIB I liked was Heal Me people who love Why Did You Do That are insane idk i see Shallow as like one of those songs you'll listen to if it's on, and will actively go out of your way to listen to maybe like once or twice a year
  9. ah okay i think it's a bazouki, there's one in VotD
  10. was there ever a reason she changed Girls? I love the "original" mix or whatever you call it, the one that sounds a little more aggressive, with the "cut out the face and you cut out the dream" EDIT: I think it's the fast car version
  11. someone had made this awesome extended Froot edit called the 12" Edit or 12" Disco Edit, and it was on SoundCloud and YouTube back in late 2018 but it got deleted, does anyone have it, or even know of it? It was made by a guy named Bill I think? And it was like 7-10 minutes long, and was a stem edit
  12. The "la la la la la la la la la lie down" in Serial Killer reminds me of the Elmo's World theme song
  13. godsmonster

    Dua Lipa

    N E way i LOVE this new album shoot outtake EDIT: my dumbass didn't realize the pic was part of the album booklet lmfao
  14. godsmonster

    Dua Lipa

    i think it's kind of silly to call Dua a Nazi apologist just because she supports Kosovo and her Albanian pride. I mean, Lana supported (supports? idk anymore) America, and the American dream, but I don't see anyone calling her a slavery-apologist, or a racism apologist
  15. godsmonster

    Dua Lipa

    wait whoa, what?? is Kosovo a nazi created place? lemme do a wikipedia search rq EDIT idk what im looking for tbh
  16. i mean, yes both your points are very valid, and i agree however people ruined this album for themselves by going into it expecting it to be something, especially comparing it to past albums (ik someone is gonna say they were going into it expecting it to be good, shush lol) idk like if you go in expecting anything, you can appreciate it for what it is better idk that's just me. I like L+F. IS it my fav? No, but it does have some of my fav songs by her. it exists in it's own lane like all her albums, and i appreciate it for her taking a different approach. Saying Marina is dead or whatever is just being dramatic. Artists are allowed to evolve, grow, and outgrow themselves. yes i am slightly buzzed rn but i still mean what i say.
  17. also she said she wanted L+F to sound commercial so yall can shut up now
  18. new song lyrics: "let me enjoy my lack of trouble/nothing's going to burst my money bubble" i think the song is called Praying to be Fine
  19. was anyone ever able to properly mix a VotD acapella with the stems, because I sure as hell never could make it sound right
  20. also Reel Cool is a very good song, except whoever mixed it fucked up and made the claps WAY too loud, it drowns out the vocals
  21. okay Teeth is a sexy, foot stomping BOP also my problem with JnD is how she switched up the chorus i love the first two choruses, it fits the song better
  22. god is it already leaking? what a mess
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