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Mind Melt

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Everything posted by Mind Melt

  1. New Lara skin coming into Fortnite I'm excited about this, I wasn't playing when the original skin was released, and in my opinion the classic versions they already released look horrible, so I can't wait for this updated version to release
  2. Mind Melt

    Lady Gaga

  3. Mind Melt

    Lady Gaga

    how bad to u want me is the only skip
  4. yeah i meant aod specifically haha i havent really tried modern controls in 1-5, im used to tank controls there and i like playing that way haha but in aod the tank controls are still so bad i basically have no choice lol but yeah i cant figure out how to make her 'look' or use the laser sight in that game, its extremely unclear lol
  5. okay i have to know if anyone else is having this problem or if im just stupid does the 'look' function not work in aod on modern controls? it seems like no matter what button i bind to it doesn't do anything but center the camera also on a slightly related note, how the hell do i use the laser sight lmao i can get 'look' to work on tank controls but she isnt using the laser sight
  6. 24hr dog been on repeat all day shes just so good
  7. AOD is my absolute favorite TR game and i'm so excited for what this remaster is gonna bring, with them readding in a lot of the cut content I know it's still not gonna be the fully fleshed out storyline of course, but it's gonna be so good, I can feel it ALSO anybody who ordered the 1-3 Remaster collectors edition it got delayed until fall
  8. i still dont get why out of all the pictures they made that the album cover
  9. its great but its so short literally said "oh thats it????" when it ended
  10. love nymphia so much but the banana shit is starting to get old she's still top 2 for me though, team sapphira!!!!
  11. two upsetting eliminations in a row 💔
  12. this is an amanda tori meating stan account not looking forward to having to tolerate spirit airlines on my screen for the rest of the season this is not a spoiler i genuinely dont know the elim order i can just tell theyre gonna keep her to the end
  13. been listening to the family jewels a lot lately, miss her sm the next album needs to be on the same level as her first 3, im begging marina pls
  14. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    She announced on instagram that she will be rerecording & rereleasing BWET for it's 10 year anniversary (we'll see if this actually happens) https://twitter.com/AzealiaNews/status/1724606518778093830 this would be cool but can she just release FII please lmao
  15. it’s on magdalene 😭
  16. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    Luxury JFK Miss Camaraderie Ice Princess Miss Amor 212 Soda BBD Chasing Time Desperado Wallace Gimme a Chance Nude Beach a-Go-Go Yung Rapunxel Heavy Metal and Reflective Idle Delilah
  17. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    wait... buttplug huh?
  18. my bank account is thanking me for being asleep while they were live lmao even though i still have my original, i definitely would have bought another if they weren't sold out by the time i woke up
  19. Mind Melt

    Tove Lo

    i like u has really grown on me, a banger also side note, never knew that was beyonce in this gif until like 3 days ago lmao
  20. pretty dull leak when?
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