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Everything posted by plush

  1. plush

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I love froot but it was so polished! very band like and simple instruments, lyrically amazing ofc but It would be interesting seeing marina go down a Kate Bush a la The Dreaming, experimenting with more sounds
  2. plush

    Lady Gaga

    It's weird how DJWS has a lot of work in the soundtrack, yet he's helped make mostly all the sinister dark leathery tracks with Gaga such as Government Hooker, Judas, Sheisse, Swine, Black jesus etc... and that seems more Enigma LG6 than this soundtrack, the snippets for the soundtrack sound beautiful tho, she sounds kinda Miley Cyrus tho. I think the soundtrack is the Joanne follow up meets the fame meets born this way ballads and lg6 will be artpop experimental born this way dark bops
  3. plush


    Art Angels as a whole is a cohesive masterpiece, truly like the country narrative in the lyrics (which we all know Grimes writes very lovely yet sinister lyrics) I hated belly of the beat so much, but then when you read the lyrics and see it's intention, it blooms so nicely. The song is literally what she feels whenever she's in the middle of a live show and how she thinks everyone looks so beautiful. Pin I think is about the death of her best friend in high school aka world princess part I California is very cheeky and cute but the lyrics are so good, the video version highlights more what she's saying Easily is basic but it feels very much like an acoustic version of a grimes song Grimes became too real and too human on Art Angels, she went for lowkey psychedelic generic ish country bangers because of her hiatus for so long to kinda explain her narrative again. Now she has so much promo in her hands, i'm glad she's focusing on the finishing the album, out of her entire career this feels like it needs to be very aggressive, fun, otherworldly and fusion grimes
  4. Angels forever would be too obvious, so I'll go with Bel Air
  5. plush

    Azealia Banks

    and you're a bitter internet troll, y'all could be friends
  6. plush

    Azealia Banks

    yet grimes remains an acclaimed queen that does literally 100%%% herself and her success+brand+empire and doesn't rely on controversy. Azealia can stay down at the bottom of the polluted portion of the sea while grimes sky rockets away from this situation lolol
  7. plush


    from Claire to just C, aka the speed of light collaborating with Azealia Banks, Poppy, potentially Gaga (reach) Dating billionaire genius Elon Musk and debuting in the MET Gala Is producing bops like crazy Her recent look at the UFC fight was fucking stunning and usually when she dies her hair it means pop star mode! Album has a v good amount of tracks she can release whatever she wants now, she's gonna release the dark album first I mean, miss boucher is giving the gays fucking iconic moments
  8. plush

    Azealia Banks

    I hope she's taking notes from grimes in the sense of being more involved with the production of her songs, I feel like her ideas aren't really being pulled through as much as she would like them too because she has to rely on other people
  9. plush


    Well grimes is pretty much a critically acclaimed genius and unfortunately she makes incredible music whenever placed in sad or stressful situations so obvs this next album is going to fuck all of y'all up. her discography is perfect she will never b ur dream girl
  10. plush


    question, does sophie have prosthetic cheeks sometimes? her cheeks are huge sometimes but then in person or more candid shots they seem more tame. could they have been huge whenever, if she did get them surgically, like soon post-op?? congrats you can do math when i clearly cant sweaty.thought a year had 14 months for a second
  11. plush


    so there's 7 months left to this year, will we get the next 3 albums two months within that time frame?
  12. plush


    y'all are really hurt, if you know your truth, why is there no peace of mind? be free thinkers, your contribution to this sucks too. at least i'm expressing a view and thoroughly explaining, not just saying dated sassy twink 2013 one liners as a back up point. y'all dont show me shit and just go crazy over the fact you believed it
  13. plush


    you can sue somebody, drop the lawsuit at any point (which I'm sure its going to happen) because all the clue points are there. this is pure drama enhaced vanilla icing and i'm not defending repzilla, or glorifying him in any way. he's appealing because a dumbed down the twitter sources I was referring to about are all online based, the sources read from are twitter, reddit. whenever titanic sinclair was beat up, there was casually a camera there but nothing was done until poppy's narritive time was there. Have any of you actually seen the I'm Poppy youtube red thing? there's a dailymotion link to it https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6doibo and it's all there, the evil director which is titanic sinclair, who obviously was very open with mars at some point, she knew grocery bag was getting popular, even with a split or alleged "traumatic event"it is not my or anyone's fault she did not keep going. I know not everyone can like most pop stars do because their careers are so important to them. the conspiracy can be that titanic wanted a paralel version of mars argo / poppy wanted to redefine who poppy actually was going to be aside from just plain indie music and wanting to start the youtube art series. in pop there's controversy, and a money making puppet like poppy being pursued by jealous "friend" , evil directors
  14. plush


    ohhh so this was still before the poppy era really took off, and then it apparently leaks again. then poppy makes the video referencing it, causing multiple clicks by people who want layer by layer of the story, which repzilla will happily give it to you because he is great at finding things on the internet. who's hacking them??? they're literally unknown and anonymous, everyone linked to them have sprouted solely from themselves. I doubt anyone is hacking anyone from their caliber of fame on something as protected as an apple iphone or someone's twitter. they're not married even if he did cheat on her. if reliable sources to you are twitter, reconsider who leaked poppy's real name? repzilla he is from texas, not LA unknown or unpopular until he started making the poppy content he's a direct link they all are
  15. plush


    I think it's funny the mars argo bots love her to death but use her "almost suicide breakdown video" while her holding a gun to her head as their display picture. I mean, does my conspiracy not sound intriguing tho? question what pop stars sell u also I'm choosing to think everyone is in on this based on even the prepoppy era, I've seen and analyzed it from multiple perspectives rather than just poppy's. I am not for abuse and do not support it, i'm not taking sides. i'm just saying that we don't know for sure but everyone on the internet jumps to conclusions 2 minutes into the whole mess without knowing the truth. I'd rather think for myself, at the end of the day this is all online DRAMA which y'all live for stream using u watch when the truth comes out
  16. plush


    they're all in on it, literally poppy and her story since the beginning has been that she was a real person and she turned into an android aka a totally fabricated pop star with a self feeding organism of all sorts of media, chased by this jealous friend who is going to try to sabotage her in her career, two abusive alleged directors, mars argo and poppy the two alleged victims but are both suing each other for alleged nasty things they're done to each other. I truly believe that poppy, titanic sinclair, mars argo, the guy who abused poppy which we stll don't know who he is have built this whole self made world of scandal by constantly mocking and being a mirror to our pop culture and media obsession. They're been mocking it since forever, unless they have become everything they never wanted, they sold themselves to the devil Literally everyone involved in the poppy project are constantly writing this narrative that has been going on long before. All these people know and grew up on shock value, social media, news celebrity reports, memes etc and create bots ^^^ alot of media to obviously build the narritive. So the drama part has been planned for the longest, why does after every poppy video does a mars argo track? everyone is making money off of this, you have a channel like repzilla which obviously has 138984293483297429384329 videos about everything these people do and feed to the drama even more. Approachable guy, speaks well and is colorful talking about every single thing these people do and getting a very good amount of views. but he is used as a vessel to promote this drama narrative bc after watching a video, you're gonna get the itch to watch another one. like everything about these people is so cryptic and planned, they've dropped hints since forever and its time y'all knew
  17. plush

    Azealia Banks

    I am living for this era! I like the album cover art for the physical version, I did notice a night vs day contrast between them. I am living for these rays of positivity. Escapades is still such a jam, the soundscape is so beautiful! The grimes track is also on fantasea ii which is amazing, means we will get it sooner
  18. plush


    I wish it was more progressive, doesn't seem first single material. Mars argo bots really need to get out though, like we get it but its tired and sad at this point
  19. plush

    Midas Charles

    https://youtu.be/DIF4TURnKtQ https://youtu.be/qODg0BE6cck
  20. plush


    yeah, the two albums thing was during her fighting with her label. I am very confused, so so heavy I fell through earth is the halfaxa insp track, very dark and on this album. All of the tracks are inclining that this is the dark album. She is previewing the first singles, or obvs she is not gonna preview the best parts of the song either obviously plus aside, she is also collabing with Azealia Banks! the most recent thing on her twitter. I remember them tweeting in 2014 about making a final fantasy esque collab so this is exciting
  21. plush


    lol Grimes has always been a little off am i the only one that thinks all of this is absolutely GENIUS! perfect promo for the album too, the messy record label pushing her to release the friendly album, although it seems she is gonna release the dark album either way. Her dating Elon musk AND going to the MET GALA is insane, the fact that they met over that AI ROCCOCO joke is so iconic. ugh her mind the controversial poppy collab, may also be collabing with azealia banks!!
  22. plush

    Midas Charles

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=2aJDi74fz5Y "Midas Charles is the brand and pop experimental audiovisual project by Caribbean Artist Carlos Alfonso Baltodano. Consisting of a series of multimedia art; films, photo media, music and overall production lead up to the birth and release of the first chapter called Woolgather. Woolgather is a mix of everything, an ecstatic coming together of ideas and dreams, the blending of the synthetic and the real. Through an abstract storyline, tells the story of self made experiences. tHE fUTURE Of MuZIK! BETA JOIN N0W. "[/size] MORE Woolgather https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk69kp3kezM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ebiy9u_luME&t=5s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqfWb20DJxQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeXaay1TCE4 Upcoming: Meraki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOK6GYiGRng
  23. plush


    The first Utopia live is tomorrow! right? https://www.songkick.com/festivals/2072544-all-points-east/id/31697529-all-points-east-2018?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=microformat I can't wait to hear all the live versions of these songs, specially Losss! and Courtship, Claimstaker, Utopia, Body Memory!!! and Saint, and all the live flute editions of past songs, that sounds exciting, I feel like it will be very vibrant.
  24. plush


    Y'all okay so now the update is that we might be getting two albums!! Except that the dark chaos/ey one will come after the first one. The first one is the one she's currently working on and the problem at the end of the day is 4ad being assholes
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