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Trash Magic

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Everything posted by Trash Magic

  1. awesome the Tags of our generation
  2. Post what you've been wanting to pick up / your latest buys found this amongst a load of junk
  3. Lana will be turning 30 in 4 days, mid-life crisis this era?
  4. album and videos being released simultaneously confirmed
  5. she resigned http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/06/15/spokane-naacp-leader-cancels-meeting-amid-racial-identity-furor-some-question/
  6. no not all of them do at all, and that's their choice. If you are trying to suggest people with straight hair are trying to appear "Caucasian" then that's very ignorant and not for you to dictate lmao, and having straight hair does not take away from somebody's blackness or suggest they are not proud of their race or culture
  7. @ 8:18 http://www.11alive.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/06/11/spokane-naacp-president-questions/71101474/ Strangest story I've read in a minute. what are your thoughts
  8. her first magazine cover and she stole my sharpie
  9. Trash Magic

    Jackson Novem

    change your avi
  10. another artist only mildly relevant on the internet. trash stank ass looking girl. actually disappointed that lana even said she was excited about touring with her
  11. never been super interested in sky. I remember this song tho back in trading days Its actually really cool I might check out the white arrows
  12. perfect princess superstar maha maha hawaiian space surf revival!
  13. great job with the OP. I am so excited after reading through all of it. Everything she talked about we have already partially seen come to fruition. "I'm kind of enjoying sinking into this more noirish feel for this one." perfectly explains performing Us Against The World and Serial Killer in the Metropolis-like set on tour "I’m currently trying to do some new things. It’s a bit surrealist, full of colors. I feel much more inspired by people like Mark Ryden, Fellini or Picasso" Like the Honeymoon lyrics or not, this fits them perfectly. "Dark blue" and she used an image of a painting in the book
  14. the fact that we still don't even have / now where the original audio interview where she talked about Music To Watch Boys To is really strange
  15. They should revive MTV Unplugged just for her though Like a 90s rock style set
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