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Trash Magic

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Everything posted by Trash Magic

  1. This is so so upsetting they must feel awful. To have something that is of no commercial value stolen from you is just even worse. And Lana is such a kind and giving person she does not deserve the craziness that seems to follow her because of her job. And I think it's really immature and gross to make light of this crime with jokes.
  2. This is so fucking cool. Who else is doing this? We have really watched her do a complete 360 and return to her folky roots and original inspirations over the past 8 years.
  3. Looking at her listed influences it seems absolutely no coincidence that she has two songs on her first demo album with the names Nick and Elliott... I think they are written fictionally about Nick Drake and Elliott Smith. We know how much she likes to wear her influences on her sleeve. Even (or especially) up to the present day. Dennis' last stop before Kokomo... Edit: Ok I didn't even see Elle's post from 2 years ago. This presents a lot of questions Where are you seeing this?
  4. Half-happy to be assured it's finally coming Half-disappointed that the surprise is ruined Meh it wasn't originally intended to be a surprise anyway, its only because she didn't stick to the date she announced so I can't be mad
  5. Wow! Unexpected. Looks like the Honeymoon photoshoot, but actually good!
  6. People who have kids become so fucking boring. Highkey hope she never has kids she's too interesting of a person to devote all her energy towards something else.
  7. Has quickly become my all time favourite Bruce song and it is a Lana Del Rey song
  8. I also passed by The Bitter End without realising I was in the bar right next to it. They have a list of past performers in their window... Lana Del Rey nowhere to be found! The disrespect.
  9. I just went to Williamsburg a few days ago and ugh what a cool place. I didn't even really consider the connection to Lana at the time. Do we know if she lived there at one point? Or just passed through a lot?
  10. of course you gotta visit Venice Beach and her mural there
  11. DEL REY: If I could write in the middle of a crime scene, I probably would. ​I laughed out loud at this
  12. seriously how dumb are you people equating abu dhabi to war torn syria or something OMG
  13. This is more a money grab work engagement than a concert so I'm not surprised she hasn't acknowledged it
  14. Her best album so deserved so pleased for her On a side note: petition for fans who follow her tour around like a travelling circus to be executed by firing squad
  15. Also what is the Grammys obsession with this boring ass bland void of personality H.E.R. girl
  16. So happy she has this affirmation. She really already won regardless of who takes home the trophy because the calibre of the other nominees means this clearly isn't about the quality of work they are producing. I'm just glad she now has a AOTY nomination under her belt - it really wasn't a given she would be nominated regardless of how brilliant the album is. I have nothing against Lil Nas X but how on earth did an EP full of minute-long ringtones get nominated for Album of The Year. It's a joke but thank god Ed Sheehan didn't get nominated so I'm happy!!! The fact they rewrote the rules just so they could nominate Lizzo's 2 year old song at every opportunity is a joke but hey
  17. Trash Magic


    Such a great moment for her, I never would have seen this coming. http://www.instagram.com/p/B45JIwoHwMP/
  18. Regardless of how standard the setlist is this tour has just proven Lana's total love for the music. While some other sell outs release make up lines, throw out singles every 2 weeks and chase trends, Lana's love for the music is just so clear particularly with this album. From specifically choosing to tour the smaller cities to bringing out more indie artists to open for and sing with her to meeting fans in the snow. There are no other artists of her size that are this genuine.
  19. Lana and Lissie is a pairing I never thought would happen I'm so happy for her and the fact that it was Lana who reached out to her. It is so cool to see and she is so grateful
  20. lol she's about to post screenshots from her notes app to twitter for this one
  21. Besides genuinely forgetting maybe she has delayed releasing it until a little closer to the Grammy nominations announcement (Nov 20) so that activity for the album is more drawn out and voters may pay more attention but I mean I don't know how long before the Nov 20 date the nominees are decided they could have been set weeks ago. Either way she's been meeting a lot of fans how is nobody bringing this up?
  22. yeah still anticipating this along with the 3 part music video...
  23. She look fucking radiant LMAOO at the 2 fans that facetuned her in their pics. She needs to move to some nowhere state!!!!!
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