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Everything posted by xxmissdaytonaxx

  1. so who's gonna be the one to go to 5 different record stores today and search for the album??? we need to step up our game if we want it to leak.
  2. should've been a blueberry shake or sumn still i love that they do this for her albums (just wish i lived in LA)
  3. i haven't read the past million pages so someone might've said this already... but i was doing some comparison to the previously unreleased tracks to their released version from the songs i have in my library and this is what i found. Thunder Unreleased: 4:30 Released: 4:19 Nectar of the Gods Unreleased: 4:24 Released: 4:20 Living Legend Unreleased: 4:04 Released: 4:01 Cherry Blossom Unreleased: 3:17 Released: 3:18 to me, this shows that thunder is probably the only reworked one. unless she recorded new vocals for the others. thought it was interesting to point out!
  4. we're almost out of the 20's then it'll be the teens.. this is actually going faster than i thought.
  5. In strangers' dreams and on the ocean floor, you're all i want, you're all i adore
  6. take two, back in the bed that i share with you take three, in the sheets that you held me i'll wait till i know that i'm through
  7. FIRST LINE: take two, back in the bed that i share with you
  8. In the earliest hours of every morning, ghosts will lurk & lounge, crying out mysterious names They long for something more than just soulless mind games
  9. this is such a cute idea. i wanna participate.
  10. this pre-release era is so dry and it sucks. i don't have the urge to check LB every day anymore. thank god it's a short pre-release cuz i'm starting to go stir-crazy already.
  11. this wait is so boring. lana drop BBS as the last single challenge.
  12. sis is glowing. i need to know where that outfit is from asap.
  13. thinking about how textbook is a perfect opener because of the first line. miss thang is really gonna tell her fucking story!
  14. bestie explain... the streets are saying that's a snippet of beautiful
  15. if that snippet is from BB, it'd be a SERVE. but i doubt it if that's the actual title
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