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Everything posted by Bootynugget

  1. We all know Huntymoon is an R&B collab album with The Weeknd
  2. Bootynugget

    Melanie Martinez

    Is "You Love I" the only unreleased song that leaked in studio quality?
  3. Bootynugget

    Melanie Martinez

    I haven't posted in this thread yet but I'm a super big fan of hers and I'm going to her concert on September 11th. I'm so ready for her to snatch my weave and my concert virginity.
  4. 1: When did you first discover Lana Del Rey: When "Paradise" came out 2: What was the first song that made you fall in love with her music: Radio 3: Favorite Lana hairstyle: "Interview Magazine" Bouffant style 4: Favorite live performance: Crocus City Hall - Moscow, Russia; the singing isn't the best but the overall look gives me so many feels, god bless. 5: Favorite lyric: All of Blue Jeans 6: Would you make out with Lana if you had the chance to?: YES 7: Favorite facial feature: "You can tell by the swagger and the LIPS" 8: What's one thing you don't like about Lana?: She smokes, even though she looks beautiful doing it. 9: Have you ever met Lana?: Sadly, no 10: Who's you favorite artist after Lana?: So many. 11: Would you say you're obsessed or just a really big fan?: Right in the middle. 12: What if Lana was secretly an evil zombie would you still love her?: Probs. I hope all of her fans would run off and I could keep her to myself
  5. Bootynugget

    Song vs. Song

    Hollywood's Dead Hollywood's Dead vs JFK
  6. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSS, bring back that season 2 devil craze
  7. Inb4 Serial Killer is the only "muddy trap" bop on the record and the rest are "late-night Miles Davis drives" inspired songs.
  8. The BTD one sounds like it'll break my iPhone
  9. Tbh, I'm just waiting for a "Meet Chuck Grant" or "Meet Nicole Nodland, she shot the single/album cover" post since she's been doing that
  10. How Many Songs: 793 (i aint got space like that, yall ) Sort By Song Title: First Song: Adore You - Miley Cyrus Last Song: 3005 - Childish Gambino Sort by Time: Shortest Song: Boom Skit - M.I.A. Longest Song: Strobe - Deadmau5 Sort by Artist: First Artist: A$AP Rocky Last Artist: 3OH!3 Sort by Album: First Album: Acid Rap - Chance The Rapper Last Album: Z - SZA Top Three Most Played Songs: Medicine - Daughter; Born To Die - Lana Del Rey; Tennis Court - Lorde SEARCH: Death: n/a Life: Loved Me Back To Life - Sia Love: Love - Daughter Hate: n/a You: All Of You - Betty Who Sex: Sex - The 1975
  11. This is interesting, please count me in
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