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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. Oh man, after losing to the US in a thrilling 8-round shootout (thanks to a clutch performance by TJ Oshie & international hockey rules about moving goalposts) Russia has now been knocked out of Olympic competition by Finland. Perhaps Putin can cry on @@Philomene's shoulder. #ClearlyIncendiary Now it's Sweden vs. Finland & USA vs. Canada. What great match-ups!
  2. I wouldn't put a lot of stock in the track lengths on ISWC since every one I've seen is some round number like 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, etc. They appear to be approximations. Still, you'd think BTD would be 4:30 or 5:00 and QoD would be 3:00 or 3:30. I don't know. Many people (including myself) assume this because registrations for both titles list Eg White as co-writer and because the chorus of "Ooh Baby" ends with "Are you ready for me finally? / Are you ready now?" However, this is just an assumption. There is no definitive proof they are the same.
  3. It's a little far from the festival grounds, but if you're looking for a good cheap place to eat in Aarhus I recommend the pizza at Jerry's on Jorbrovej just off of Langelandsgade just north of the university. I used to eat there so often the other international students teased me about it. If you're in town for a bit Den Gamle By is worth a visit if you've never been there and I hear the ARoS Kunstmuseum is pretty cool. Oh, and make sure you eat some Napoleon's Hats for me.
  4. More power to you. It would be nice to confirm once and for all whether these are any different from the albums that leaked. But I wouldn't bet my $165 on it.
  5. Shouldn't it say Edward Gallegos by "Forever Angels"? I thought he claimed he wrote that one too...
  6. @@SitarHero BTW, Mr. Emoticon Manager, I need a unicorn's head emote for every time someone posts about some wishful hypothetical that will never happen. Either that or @@Ultraviolence's avatar.
  7. Things that are bad always taste nice Once you've had a taste Of heaven my way You'll be forever changed They say that I'm like crack because my taste will change ya OK, I'm done.
  8. Because when she used to abbreviate her nom de scène this way on her old Twitter accounts @@drugmoney and @columbiancartel she still spelled it "Ray".
  9. I'd love to put @@Philomene and @@PennCentralFan in a room together. Can we make that happen? That's an Olympic event I'd love to see.
  10. Um, if you actually read what I wrote (instead of having a knee-jerk defensive reaction) my point wasn't very different. I never made this comparison. But you just did. The focus of the comparison was on Jesse Owen and gay athletes, not Hitler and Putin. The only similarity I see between the two is that they're both autocratic leaders who actively supported discrimination against a minority class and brought the Olympics to their countries as projects of national greatness. Any comparison ends there. Methinks thou doth protest too much. But for what it's worth, this idea that any comparison of anything to Hitler is automatically invalid or out of bounds is ridiculous. Comparing some aspect of someone or something to some aspect of Hitler is not equal to drawing an equivalency. Especially when you're referring to something that happened before the war. Germany's discrimination against Jews under Hitler was bad enough before it turned violent and ultimately genocidal. I agree it's preferable to avoid Nazi Germany comparisons if there's another apt well-known historical precedent to point to because the subject is so loaded, but it shouldn't completely preclude making historical analogies. It should be possible to compare circumstances to pre-war events in Germany in isolation without necessarily inferring they are a slippery slope to another holocaust. The original point of Godwin's Law was to prevent lazy arguments that shut down debate, yet the principle is often invoked to do exactly that. Yeah, I wouldn't doubt that Putin doesn't have a problem with attractive faux-lesbians... Pot calling the kettle black much? I have lived in another country and learned other languages (or at least attempted to) and read news sources mostly critical of or hostile to my own government. I think I'm pretty objective and clear-eyed about what my country and its leaders do right and wrong. (A formerly enthusiastic Obama supporter, I now consider him a murderer of his own citizens.) I can't say the same for you. Oh, and while we're on the topic of Hitler comparisons, your blind hero worship of Putin is kinda reminiscent of Nazi Germany.
  11. While I find others' reasons for doing so understandable, I have a hard time bringing myself to boycott these games. Maybe it's because I'm older and can remember when gay rights were not only unpopular-- even among young people-- but were practically unheard of. I have a hard time judging Russia much more than any other country for being a bit further behind. (Ask me in 20 years and I might have a different opinion.) That's not to say I don't find their laws horrendous and disgusting. They're a gross violation of human rights and freedom of speech. Maybe it's because I'm almost old enough to remember the actual boycotts. I am old enough to remember watching the 1988 Olympics and how big a deal it was to have all the major nations competing again after large boycotts of the previous two Olympics. (Irony alert: the Soviet Union led a boycott of the '84 Los Angeles games in retaliation for a US-led boycott of the 1980 Moscow games over the Soviet occupation of... wait for it... Afghanistan.) Granted, there's a difference between nations boycotting and viewers boycotting, but I look back to history and the 1936 Berlin games when African-American track star Jesse Owens rained on Hitler's parade of Aryan superiority by winning four gold medals. That, a direct confrontation, was far more effective than any boycott could have been. Maybe it's because I also think boycotts of either kind are somewhat unfair to the athletes. Many of these athletes are gay themselves and have spent a lifetime training for this moment, perhaps their only shot. I look forward to gay athletes challenging Putin (like Jesse Owens with Hitler) by winning their events and defiantly expressing themselves, shoving their gayness down Putin's throat... so to speak. And I'll be watching (and cheering) when it happens. (On a side note, I like Obama's move of tweaking Putin by naming openly gay athletes including Billie Jean King and Brian Boitano to the US delegation to the Olympics along with former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano who is rumored to be gay.) Maybe it's because I see the Olympics as a time for the best athletes from all nations to compete against each other regardless of race, creed, or politics. Within reason, I think all countries should get a turn hosting. I'm not necessarily saying I think North Korea should host, but I also don't think it should necessarily be determined based on a country's adherence to Western liberal ideals. (If so, just to play devil's advocate, I could think of lots of good reasons to boycott my own country were the United States to host again.) Maybe it's because I don't consider hosting in itself to confer any sort of legitimacy or prestige, but rather what kind of host one is. I don't let myself fall into that trap in the first place. Instead, I see the event of Russia's hosting as an occasion to shine a spotlight on them. An interrogation lamp, not a stage light. Maybe I wrote too much.
  12. Boycotting the games entirely because of Russia's anti-gay laws, I presume? I think that is an interesting topic of conversation as well.
  13. Trash talk your fellow LanaBoarders' from other countries. Discuss the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics and opening ceremonies here. What events are you excited for? What stories are big in your country? What performances amazed you?
  14. Yeah, well, that's because it's the album version. If it was any other version it would be much, much higher.
  15. No, "For K" is a fanmade title. It was never confirmed to be a real title for any Sirens song. However, I also wouldn't say it's been confirmed that "Drive By" is the real title for "For K". We don't really know anything about where the new titles came from. So your insistence that "Pretty Baby" must be "For K" is unfounded for both reasons.
  16. Det er fantastisk! Oh man, I used to live really close by about 13 years ago.
  17. You can see a bunch of Lake Placid area newspaper articles mentioning Lana from when she was growing up here. And you can find out a lot about her early career by perusing the Early Shows subsection.
  18. evilentity

    For You

    This makes sense on paper, but not when you actually listen to it, her phrasing and where she takes her breaths. Nope, this is just Lana ignoring the rules of English grammar again. Don't get me wrong. There's nothing inherently wrong with breaking grammar rules. Poets and songwriters have been doing that for centuries.
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