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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. I get the love for vinyl or even the retro nostalgia for 8-tracks. But cassettes? The sound quality is terrible. These days they probably even cost more to produce than CDs. I grew up in the cassette era. It is not something anyone should want to return to. You might as well say you wish we'd go back to the Dark Ages.
  2. Come watch and discuss Tropico in real time with your fellow LanaBoarders! I'll be hosting the first of possibly several Tropico viewing parties today Saturday December 7 at 1PM EST/6PM GMT at http://tinychat.com/tropicoparty. Dates and times for viewing parties will be listed below. See you there! December 7, 1PM EST/6PM GMT: http://tinychat.com/tropicoparty
  3. Tropico was pretty much exactly like I expected based on her comments about it and the teasers. Not sure yet whether that's a good thing or not.
  4. Really? An artist with hundreds of songs out there is lazy? If that ever happens, you'll see what ultraviolence really is. Let me fix that for you: Moog synthesizers? That would be real horrorshow. Ha, how insane would that be? Can you even imagine? I think the universe would fold in on itself and implode. Prepare for Lanalysis to go meta in 3...2...1...
  5. Read the last bullet point under "Various Exploits": http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/3510-sleuthing-tips-tricks/&do=findComment&comment=124342
  6. Why do I have a bad feeling that Ultraviolence is not only a nod to A Clockwork Orange, but possibly a reference to her perception that she's been savaged by critics, had her privacy invaded by the media, her back catalog stolen by hackers, and current plans ruined by the leak of new material?
  7. A post worthy of your return. God I've missed you. Welcome back! Ha, I knew Tropico would draw you back.
  8. Hmm, I have been doing a little less Lana sleuthing overall this year...
  9. I hate to keep addressing this issue, but I hope my earlier post wasn't misinterpreted. I wasn't trying to start a pity party or a contest about which country's fans have it worst. There are many fans on this forum from far-flung places that don't have a snowball's chance in hell of Lana performing within reasonable travel distance. Obviously they have it worst. Rather, I was trying to make these points: The low number of US tour dates Lana has performed relative to the number of European tour dates she has performed is unusual and disproportionate for an artist from the US (especially one that fetishizes Americana), even accounting for the disparity in her popularity between the US and Europe. The degree of disparity defies financial incentives and seems grounded in less than admirable motivations (either pettiness and spite or thin-skinnedness and fear). While most people in places other than Europe or North America have less or even no opportunity to see Lana perform, that is not that unusual for an American artist. It is unusual for an American artist to perform so relatively infrequently in her own country. A large proportion of her American fans do not live within reasonable travel distance of any of the few shows she has done in the US as they've been concentrated mostly in just two cities. A much smaller proportion of her European fans can say this. I'll not be lectured by Brits of all people about this when the number of opportunities they've had to see Lana is wildly disproportionate even compared to the rest of Europe. Especially when they bring it up unprompted. But for what it's worth, I agree with you @@Lanakai that Canada has gotten the shaft too. You're collateral damage in her avoidance of US shows since most popular artists plan North American tours with dates in both countries (and sometimes Mexico). And as a side note, Toronto was actually the closest show I could have gone to before Lollapalooza.
  10. No, I don't think this does really negate that criticism. Though she likes to premiere her videos in her own backyard (likely out of convenience), it doesn't change the fact that she still appears to avoid performing many US shows (seemingly out of spite or fear). It would be fair to say, "Omg, Lana you never do any non-American premieres!" While I'm on the topic, I think Europeans aren't always mindful of how large America is. The total area of the United States alone is almost as large as all of Europe combined. I routinely drive 7 hours each way to visit my in-laws without leaving my own state, just one of 50. For example, Los Angeles is over 1,800 miles (about 3,000 km) away from where I live as the crow flies. So when Lana performs on the west coast, it is over 300 miles (about 500 km) further from me than Lana's Istanbul show was from Londoners. New York is over 600 miles (about 1,000 km) the other way, further than Lana's Milan show from Londoners (and that's if you could drive straight across Lake Erie!) To put things in roughly equivalent European geographic terms, imagine you're an Italian living in Florence earlier this summer. Then imagine that Lana has performed in London four times, Moscow five times, and once in St. Petersburg, but that's it for Europe, and she hasn't performed anywhere in Europe for over a year, which is kind of weird because (in this analogy) Lana is European and of Italian nationality and sings about old Italy in a lot of her songs. Finally, she decides to play Rome. However, it's a large festival so it cost 70 euros and she's only scheduled to play a 45 minute set, but you get tickets anyway. Later, organizers of the festival schedule another show at a small venue in Rome, but you can't get tickets because the presale sold out before you even heard when it started because it was never publicly announced (only the festival's Facebook followers were notified less than 24 hours in advance). Nevertheless, you consider yourself lucky. It could be worse. At least you don't live in Poland or the Czech Republic or something. However, now imagine Lana has toured America extensively (hell, she even performed more times in one particular state than all of Europe combined!), yet some fucking Yank on a forum (who even happens to be from that state!) has the balls to tell not just you, but even the Poles and Czechs, "Meh, quit yer bitching. Lana's toured Europe plenty." Or to put it in Aussie terms, this would be almost like telling people from Melbourne that they should be happy because their favorite artist has performed in Perth a bunch of times.
  11. Can't wait to hear crappy audio of @@SitarHero saying "Man, we should have waited!" over new Lana arrangements.
  12. ^ Wow. That's actually really good! I may finally start thinking of BJO as an artist in his own right rather than Lana's bf. (Although lbr, it's been clear for awhile that between the two of them he's the more motivated.)
  13. Your fixation on a "Cola" video is really almost pathological, isn't it?
  14. Wouldn't it be real horrowshow if she was just pandering to your humble narrator with that fair gloopy title?
  15. That's a fair gloopy title. Who ever heard of a clockwork orange?
  16. Disappointed tbh. I was expecting some contemporary/modern furniture porn like an Eames chair or an Eero Aarnio bubble or ball chair or some shit. Maybe we can go down to 7-Eleven Also, best deal on pussy you'll ever find. I think I can almost make out her CVC2. Dark side of the American dream moon
  18. For Cebu Pacific Air? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFEu6RKxp4s Edit: Or British Airways? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhdbwGXs28o
  19. I find it kind of odd the way her team is positioning this. Memo to Lana's team: There's already an EP with "Body Electric", "Gods & Monsters", and "Bel Air". It's called Paradise. Why not call it what it is, a short film with the music from it as bonus tracks? Also, this says it's available digitally on December 5th. Has anyone seen anything about a physical release? ("Physical release" sounds dirty. I digress.) I share others' skepticism that Tropico is also a song. However, this thing is supposedly 30 minutes long. The length of those three songs combined clocks in well short of that. She might monologue us to death, but I'm expecting some acting with dialogue. (Anyone else find it ironic that Lana says she can't act, but then decides to forgo the conventional 3-minute music video format in favor of a short film that will likely require a significant amount of acting on her part?) Whether the rest of this is fleshed out with voice-over, dramatic dialogue, or wordless acting, I do expect the remainder of the running time will be scored. So I think we will get new music of some kind out of this. Probably variations on the other songs (similar to the Ride intro) but not necessarily with vocals.
  20. Ah, that's better. Am I the only one uncomfortable with all the jokes/comments about Shaun Ross' albinism? Also, looks like @@Monicker will already be owing a lot less of you money.
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