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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. It's not the word "outtake" I object to. It's the word "Paradise". Here's what you originally wrote: Um, the thing is, as far as we know, we don't actually know either of those things. I don't see why I'm the bad guy for pointing that out and asking for some receipts to back that up. It's annoying how often bullshit assumptions and speculation with no basis gets repeated until it becomes accepted as fact in this fanbase. And I think I've laid out a pretty good case why that mattered in this instance beyond accuracy for accuracy's sake. Again, what is this based on?
  2. What is this claim based on? Everybody keeps saying this as if it were fact, but as far as I know, there's no basis for saying this. Other than that these songs were uploaded to Rick's site along with the Y&B demo in December 2012 while "Black Beauty" and AFFA were uploaded in June 2013 and "I Don't Wanna Go"/"Tonight"/"Black Leather Moonlight" had been circulating since June 2012, there's no better reason to think they were Paradise outtakes than to think they were in possible consideration for her next album (two possibilities which are not mutually exclusive I might add). And neither of those facts really mean anything in my opinion. December 2012 is still after the release of Paradise, artists sometimes hold over songs for later albums, and all those tracks fit well enough descriptions she gave in interviews of the music she was working on for her next album. Unless you've got receipts, I just don't think we can conclude either way with any certainty. Which is why I warned against the leaking of any of these tracks, aside from the Y&B demo. That and the likelihood that it would lead to all the tracks leaking (which it did), including "Black Beauty" & AFFA, which I think we can say with a high degree of certainty were in consideration for her next album.
  3. Ha, but what if it does engage in offensive appropriation? While I'd love for "Diamond Ring" produced by David Kahne to be a real thing, I sincerely hope nobody's dicking us around posing like that. I fucking hate that kind of shit.
  4. Yeah, even if you buy that the world is going to pot-- and I don't really, every generation seems to make these claims about the next-- I think the Kardashians are more a symptom than a cause. BTW, this forum has really been going downhill lately...
  5. There's a difference between slut-shaming women simply for being sexual and finding something unseemly about an entire family cashing in on their notoriety from a daughter having appeared in a sex tape in which she was urinated upon and the biological father having literally helped someone get away with murder.
  6. Can't wait to collect my C-Note from @@Monicker! Also can't wait to bust out this quote: Oh yeah?
  7. Oh, before she said "2 weeks" in the comments, she wrote "Tropico - Coming Soon" in the description. Shit, I was sorta devilishly hoping she'd continue to troll all you impatient kiddies. Of course, she still could.
  8. Love how once again she says "Tropico - Coming Soon".
  9. Yes, but she's not talented in anything I place any value on. Genuinely not trying to start anything or liven things up, I just don't know why the Kardashians inspire such a defense. @@maru @@Viva Can you guys just fuck already and get it out of your system?
  10. Can you disable the "STAFF" ribbon thingy? It provides no useful benefit and fucks up the formatting on literally all of my Early Shows gig threads.
  11. Vine intergration? How about Vimeo integration? Will the Top 5 Online Users feature show the people who have spent the most time online during the current day or since the feature started?
  12. These were my first thoughts too. It's too bad tswift didn't show up and interrupt with Beyonce's "Single Ladies" vid playing in the background and be all like "Yeezy, I'm really happy for you and I'ma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best proposals of all time from Jay-Z! One of the best proposals of all time!" #PutARingOnIt
  13. OK, I've got a stupid question for you collectors. Let's say you've got a sealed item (still in the plastic wrap) and you get the opportunity to have it signed by the artist. What should you do? Remove the plastic wrap and have them sign the box or object? Or do you actually have them sign the plastic wrap? Is that something people do? If so, it seems like that would completely take away the option of opening it as some point.
  14. Apropos for Halloween, "Demons" by Jessica Hernandez & the Deltas is Rolling Stone's free Daily Download today. DOWNLOAD You can buy their whole Demons EP on iTunes here or stream it here: https://soundcloud.com/jessicahernandezdeltas/sets/demons-ep I haven't updated this thread in awhile, but I have a lot more of their stuff. PM me if you're interested.
  15. With uncommon timeliness and follow-through, Lana's boyfriend Barrie-James O'Neill released the video for his song "Mary" on Halloween as promised: What do you think of the video? On the video, his YouTube account, and Twitter account, he is identified by the name "Nightmare Boy". Do you think that's going to be the name he performs his solo work under? What do you think of it?
  16. #TakeAWalkOnTheWildSide #BornToDie #RIP
  17. Yeah, that's my working assumption too. Or possibly Arthur Lynn. Is this a subtle nod to the fact that they have your DOB wrong, Lana?
  18. Yeah, I had the same experiences with those too. It also took be a little while to look past some of the lyrics in "Cola" and "Dum Dum". "Television Heaven" and "TV in Black & White" were a little too poppy for my taste at first, but their beautiful, catchy melodies got me in the end.
  19. You know, 'anal' is Lana's name, ahem, backwards.
  20. Damn quote limits... I actually think this is a really great interview/profile. The Electronic Beats interview was also extremely informative (sometimes unpleasantly so), but this one goes in-depth like none other before. (Kudos to the interviewer despite getting her age wrong.) Lana also manages to show her sensitivity without coming off as defensive or over-reacting. She's sympathetic rather than victim-playing.
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