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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. I'll take care of it for you in my garden of Evil, Lana.
  2. I don't have time to respond to this entire post right now, but I couldn't not respond quickly to this part: You could, you know, respond to what I've actually written or ask me to clarify what I've written rather than putting words in my mouth and making straw arguments. I never said all the media criticism was valid nor did I endorse any of the accusations you listed. What I did say is that she accused the media of slander against her and her family about things she continues to lie about in the same breath, and that she falsely claimed that she doesn't have money and that her family never had any money. In the same response that she mentions media slander, she says, "Everything they wrote was fucking crazy. Like about my dad, about me, like having millions of dollars, and all this shit." While I don't doubt that there were lean periods for her family financially, or that her father may have sustained large losses in the market during the bursting of various bubbles, or that much of his net worth was merely on paper, or whatever caveats you'd like to add, I'm quite confident in concluding that her father did have at least a million dollars (if not millions), and what you yourself wrote supports that conclusion. Later in the interview she says, "Saying I came from billions of dollars is crazy. We never had any money." I think it's telling that she moves the goalposts from millions to billions mid-interview, because I think she knows her dad probably is worth a couple million. No one ever said she came from billions of dollars, although she certainly did rub elbows with her dad's business contacts who were billionaires. At any rate, even if I am somehow wrong about her dad having millions of dollars, her claim that her family "never had any money" is just patently false. One need not even consider her father's business assets to determine this. It is obvious considering the property her father owns and the cost of tuition at Kent. Again, I never said anywhere, and do not necessarily believe, that her dad significantly funded her career (though I also don't think he was completely uninvolved in her career either). If Lana defended herself against this accusation by saying "My dad didn't fund my career" I would simply leave it at that. But that's not what she says. She says, "We never had any money" when the opposite is true. And if lying about coming from privilege weren't shitty enough, she has the gall to accuse the media of slander for saying so. And it gets worse. Later in the interview she says, "Before I had no money. And now everything I make, I lose. So I don’t have money again, because I lose half." Perhaps she's referring to all the other people she has to pay, but presumably she's referring to taxes. It's one thing when rich people bitch about how much they have to pay in taxes. (And I confess, most of you would probably consider me rich, and I've been known to express sticker shock about how much I've had to pay at one time, but not that it was unfair. In fact, I think I should have to pay more.) But it's a whole 'nother thing for the rich to not only claim that they're not rich after taxes, but that they don't have any money afterwards. Boo fucking hoo. Tell it to your topiary pony, Lana. On a final note, I really take issue with this: Frankly, this is an incredibly presumptuous and rude remark, especially considering this was your first post made mere hours after joining the forum. You might take some time to familiarize yourself with members' views and contributions to the forum before making insulting comments like that toward them. If you're going to wing in here and question other fans' presence on a discussion forum for expressing their honest criticism, then, I may ask, why are you here? Welcome to LanaBoards!
  3. Hmmm... I tried to do Gaga, but it kept saying Madonna.
  4. evilentity

    "The Gay Cure"

    Perhaps the models were all flaccid growers? Neat, I found a new connotation for this emote:
  5. "Anything you like" from Lana for only $2? Even a cheapskate like me would take that deal. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE JEFFERSONS Man, TJ & pinupgirls would get along great. I still think it's "jukebox" though.
  6. evilentity

    "The Gay Cure"

    ^ Seriously? You're citing Freud on this? Look, if you mean it's "not normal" in the sense that being left-handed is "not normal" then I agree with you and this is just a silly semantic argument and you should just choose your words more carefully. But if you mean something more than that, then I think you're not only wrong, but you're being offensive.
  7. Nah, when Disney does Nazi Germany it looks like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LYD0Fzf1LU Crying why? I can't tell if this is a good or a bad thing. Is it just me or does it look like she fellated that microphone with her red lipstick?
  8. And she'll have fun, fun, fun, 'til her daddy takes her T-bird away...
  9. I wouldn't even joke about this publicly with this fanbase... She seems kinda butthurt that it's not being released. Someone should try just asking her for it tbh. God, did I actually use the word 'butthurt' and 'tbh' in the same post? I've been spending way too much time with you guys on tc.
  10. evilentity

    "The Gay Cure"

    Probably the most well-known "reparative therapy" organization in the US recently admitted it's bullshit, doesn't work, and does a lot of harm. They issued apologies and shut down. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/20/exodus-international-shuts-down_n_3470911.html
  11. Two points: 1. I agree that we could do without some of the personal snark, but I strongly disagree that spiritedly debating a polarizing topic somehow "destroys" a thread. Isn't that what a discussion forum is for? Personally I think this has been one of the most interesting Lana-related discussions here in awhile. 2. There have been several comments in this thread insinuating that people should stop expressing their opinions, which I don't think is appropriate. Again, isn't that the point of a discussion forum? (Ha, maybe that's contradictory-- asking people to stop expressing their opinion that others should stop expressing their opinion-- but so be it.)
  12. Which version? I think I have screencaps of her sharing it on Facebook that pre-date that, but those are on another computer. I'll check when I get a chance.
  13. No, Lana doesn't owe us anything, but I'm also not obligated to like her or refrain from valid criticism of her just because I like her music. Frankly, it amazes me the amount of excuses some of you make for her at times. (As a side note, I think a lot of projection is going on there.) I started writing a long diatribe quoting the interview extensively and dissecting the info in it as well as what I found objectionable, but honestly, there's so much to criticize here that it became one big TL;DR that I had trouble even organizing coherently. (And that wasn't even getting around to responding to some of the replies in this thread!) I might still post that, but for those of you who still don't get what some of us took exception to, here's the CliffsNotes version: Superficial America-bashing that seems rooted in pettiness over harsher media criticism and less commercial success in the US (and a ridiculously false perception of it at that), not in any sort of intelligent critique of the US Bringing up the subject of being criticized as anti-feminist, bitching about it, then expressing complacent views on feminism and denying obvious inspiration by female icons Denying she cares about her appearance when she certainly does Stating she has a degree in metaphysics even though Fordham does not offer a degree in metaphysics (and as Maru pointed out there is some doubt whether she even graduated at all) Hurling accusations of media slander against her and her family about things she continues to lie about in the same breath Falsely claiming that she doesn't have money and that her family never had any money Bitching about a lack of control of her image and how the media portrays her in the same interview she admits to "fucking around with" journalists in her answers in previous interviews Judgmental and pretentious statements that other people don't care about music/poetry/art as much as her and Barrie in the same interview she says music isn't her primary focus A pervasive attitude of defensiveness and victim-playing throughout
  15. evilentity


    Get a lot of results for her when searching on "Lizzie Grant". So annoying.
  16. It's truly amazing she's even able to sing or give an interview with that gigantic chip on her shoulder.
  17. "Serviced" makes it sound like a perfunctory sex act was performed on the song.
  18. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/914-lizzy-grantmay-jailer-old-myspace-new-information/page-2&do=findComment&comment=19335
  19. "Roses" and three OTTR demos?
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