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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. We don't, but it seems unlikely to me that the DOB on her personal Facebook account and her copyright filings would be the one she lied about.
  2. Alice BrightSky finally released her album Box of Me several years in the making and including the song "Lover's Fate" on which Lizzy Grant sang background vocals and I posted about back in December. Alice was a fellow musician in the Williamsburg music scene with Lizzy and won third place in the WLSC 2006 in which Lizzy competed. You can listen to previews of her album and buy it here on CD Baby. In my sleuthing, I've listened to music by a number of artists I wanted to contact. I do this for a couple reasons. It seems rude, somehow, to contact an artist and only ask them about another artist's work. I like to have something positive and genuine to say about their own work. And as Mae West said, "Flattery will get you everywhere." Often I'll only listen until I find something nice to say. That didn't take long with Alice, but I kept listening anyway because I love all her songs, especially "Pry Me Away", "I Am", "Up Up and Away", "Tie and Untie", and of course, "Lover's Fate". I really like her songwriting and voice. Her music has sort of a 90s girl-with-a-guitar Lilith fair folk rock feel to me, and I mean that in a good way. She reminds me a bit of Ani DiFranco, except I like Alice better. She was super nice and friendly when I contacted her and really helpful with Early Shows questions, so I hope some of you will show the forum's appreciation by buying her album and get to hear some good music as well. Alice & Lizzy performing "Lover's Fate" at the "Winners of WLSC 2006" show at Galapagos
  3. Oh, sorry. I didn't read that carefully the first time. That's actually an interesting theory, that the two tears might be related to K's two homicides.
  4. ^ Yeah, but as TPD alluded to, Lana wrote "2 tears in solidarity" when she posted it on Facebook. TPD's theory that it's in solidarity with an incarcerated lover fits with a lot of our Lanalysis and is much more plausible than the notion that she killed someone.
  5. ^ That reminds me of when Byron met Katy Perry Xaro Xhoan Daxos and Pyat Pree:
  6. Just when I was beginning to think K might not be real... Definitely. Is it just me or does it seem like they didn't do many takes of her lip-syncing and/or the editing is poor? I felt like her facial expressions often didn't fit what she was singing about. Aside from the possible K references and her looking lovely as usual, this video didn't do much for me. I think I would have actually preferred a video with clips from the movie instead of the orchestra and I'm usually not a fan of videos like that.
  7. Since we'll all agree that this was absolutely horrific, I think a more interesting topic of discussion is the way Charles Ramsey, the man who helped rescue the women, has become the latest viral sensation. Like with Antoine Dodson before him, I think it essentially boils down to a collective mindset of "LOL. Look at the funny black man." I find it very troubling.
  8. I'm amazed. Someone finally got her age right. Or is this only because her birthday comes shortly after this will be published? Ooh! Me likey. I believe in the person Amy Winehouse used to be... There she goes again, fetishizing another 27 Club member. Luckily, we all know she'll be 28 soon. So don't you dare try that shit, Lana. Damn, that Ford model friend of hers is such a fucking scold. Duets. Plural. Please give me more material for another covers-themed Reydio show, Lana. "Some Velvet Morning", preferably. Oh, I bet they do.
  9. Best. Craiglist. Ad. Ever. Original here.
  10. Best. Fan. Reaction. Video. Ever. WARNING: Contains massive Season 1 spoilers!
  11. A Lana stan always pays his debts...
  12. I don't give a shit about her hair color, but I'd sign a petition asking her to release all her music from when her hair was light.
  13. Is that really enough evidence for that conclusion? I've always wondered that myself.
  14. I also found a similar page for an AA group in NYC called Soho: Not so anonymous anymore I guess. But I think that illustrates why this is so important: Lana has already outed herself as a recovering alcoholic, but a blind dump of her unredacted posts would have outed several other people, which I think would have been irresponsible. On a side note, that we now know she chaired an AA group makes me much less skeptical of her claims about her involvement in outreach. Shit, I always thought that "Atlantic Group" tweet was a reference to Atlantic Records. Didn't think about "AG".
  15. I doubt it. I posted about the A.G. mystery over in the "LANA SLEUTHING" thread because I'm pretty sure A.G. is not a person, but I should have noted that here.
  16. As someone with unjustified nostalgia for wasting too much his childhood chore money on packs of baseball cards with an incredibly stale stick of gum included, I found this interesting: Apparently Topps is making Lollapalooza trading cards. Don't see a Lana one though.
  17. "Junky Pride" and "A Star For Nick" are they only two with solid receipts that aren't based on say-so. See here.
  18. Others of you who don't use your real name on the forum, how are you identifying yourselves in your "Dear Lana" letters?
  19. I've never doubted that might be the case. However, it's not just what he does that I think deserves criticism, but how he does it, which I don't think you can pin on Lana. And if he is merely carrying out her wishes, then I think he's done a disservice to her as a manager if he hasn't told her certain things were a bad idea. You know, the Nazis were just following orders too. #InvokingGodwinsLawOnMyself
  20. ^ Variant of 'LOL', basically, that caught on, particularly in tinychat.
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