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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. This is begging for a masked @@Monicker parody tbh.
  2. Since it's Monicker bitching about it, I'm gonna assume the Beatles must have got a bunch of awards or nominations and/or the Beach Boys got shafted. Am I right? Are you bothered that what you consider to be a shitty song might win an award? Or that Lana might win such a shitty award? Seriously, you guys are making too big a deal of it. When you consider that this award is limited to commercial pop songs that premiere in a movie, it's not that great. I mean, look at the list of past winners. Most of the recent ones were main themes to Disney cartoons or that fucking Celine Dion song from Titanic. #BlameCanada Though I'm here for "It's Hard Out Here For a Pimp":
  3. Actually, we recently determined "Motel singer or the silver pole, I did what I had to do" are the correct lyrics.
  4. Fanmade, but I think it circulated with the album when it leaked, so almost everyone uses it as if it were an official cover.
  5. Yeah, this is yet another episode in a series of steps pushing the US closer to an Orwellian surveillance state: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calea http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DCSNet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSA_call_database http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSA_warrantless_surveillance_controversy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hepting_v._AT%26T http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewel_v._NSA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Andrews_Drake Oddly, a lot of Americans don't seem to be aware of things like this and seem to believe that they could only happen in other countries. If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention. Edit: Here's a handy timeline from the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
  6. Because I thought you could take it and would see the humor in it?
  7. gooble gobble, one of us You gotta admit this is pretty cool though:
  8. evilentity

    Charli XCX

    Congratulations on 100 pages of this trainwreck thread! Mind if I rename it to "The Clusterfuck Thread 2.0"? #FirstCharliBoardsPost
  9. OMG, I've got a great idea! You should consider putting the money you saved towards a rare Charli album...
  10. she didnt even have tv to watch let alone $ to fuck w her face.
  11. I don't buy this. I'm astonished too. Um, she doesn't literally say this: Couched that way, and in response to the interviewer asking when they could hang out in her hometown of Dallas, I wouldn't necessarily assume anything is planned yet. Some were definitely meant for other artists or later use, but I doubt very many. I'm here for The Leaked Sessions box set though.
  12. A mobile home. It's referred to in multiple interviews and there's footage of it in some of her DIY videos and the Index Magazine interview.
  13. ^ Where do you think the files that were leaked originally came from.
  14. Yeah, I'm hoping the fact that many people seeing her at Lollapalooza will not be fans will work in my favor. That and the sing-alongs are annoying.
  15. Shirley Bassey did it three times. But I'd put my money on "none of the above".
  16. Physical copies of both may exist, but would be extremely rare. According to that Team Hellions guy he bought Sirens as "a CD-R with a hand written note attached to it", leaving the impression that the disc and note may have been made by Ms. Grant herself, though he does not explicitly say so. AKA appears to have been released only digitally, but CalenderGirl told me once that a number of physical copies were made and David Kahne supposedly has like 10 copies lying around. Physical copies of the "Kill Kill" EP definitely exist since there are pictures of it taken by Shawn M. Smith of Radio Exile when they reviewed some of her early shows.
  17. Hey, PrettyBaby, take a walk on the wild side And the pinupgirls go do do do do do do do do do
  18. Ha, I feel like this is at least partly directed at me, so I'll defend myself and other critics. I completely disagree with your annoyance with the criticism, but I'm as annoyed as you are with the entitlement. Regardless of what she says she's going to do, no one's entitled to anything from her. In fact, people shouldn't expect anything from her especially because she's so unreliable. It annoys me to no end that people are still crying about a "Cola" single on a near daily basis simply because of one remark in an interview over six months ago. That said, she does have a pretty bad track record here and I think criticism of that is completely warranted. If plans are uncertain, you should couch them in uncertain language (i.e. "I'm planning to do this" or "I hope to do that") or not mention them at all. And if you have a history of not following through on things, you should have enough self-awareness to recognize that. I feel like some people are giving her a pass on this either because they find everything she does "flawless" or because of their own tendency to do this. But if you say you're going to do something, you should do it. *cough* *cough* @@Madrigal *cough* *cough*
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