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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. I agree with this and everything else you wrote in that post, but since you've often been quite negative about the use of Auto-Tune in the past without noting this distinction, I'm curious... are there any examples of it being used as an effect that you like? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EWruiIjBmo
  2. Uh, fantastic editing job, but that's not quite what I had in mind... I was thinking more along the lines of the live version of "Brite Lites" because that's the one song on AKA where I don't like David Kahne's production. Cue hate from Maru in 3, 2, 1... Also, I feel like it needed a pitched monologue in there somewhere. And I feel like your post needed this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kld1u3kntYQ
  3. I strongly suspect the song originally may not have been written for the film and was adapted later for use in the film. I'm not an expert on these things, but I don't think that would matter for Oscar eligibility since it's initial release has been as part of the soundtrack. Also, I'm making a prediction that the "DH Orchestral Version" will play during the film's closing credits.
  4. You should create a thread for this. Discussion questions like this don't really belong here.
  5. ~Sonically~ I like that part, but ~lyrically~ it irks me too.
  6. Yeah, I considered the Kurt/Aberdeen possibility a long time ago, as well as the possibility that K might be Kurt, but discounted them mainly because she pronounces it more like "Arbor Dean" and because "Brite Lites" and "For K" don't fit with Kurt's life at all. But the more time goes on, the more I think it might be right and she had some sort of weird fantasy life involving her and Kurt completely disconnected from the details of his actual life, personality, or art.
  7. Why only 480p Lana? I know it's a throwback to your DIY videos, but still... Yup, it's that voice. Ha, that evoked an evil grin. No, actually I love it. At this rate I'll need to do another covers show again soon. That would be amazing. Disagree. I find Lana's voice much more interesting than Nancy Sinatra's. Right down to the porn stache. Do you think they'll start performing this together on tour now that they've released this?
  8. Yeah, I don't really mind people ripping off my information after I've posted it so long as they don't represent it as their own efforts. Like you, I find it weird and lazy, particularly when it appears they haven't even read it through to get it right: https://twitter.com/LanaDReyOnline/status/280339248190746625 https://twitter.com/LanaDReyOnline/status/280339701834063873
  9. ^ What's even worse is when they rip off your information and get it wrong. #MikeMizrahiMovieMysteryMegapost
  10. "Transam Trucking" in the credits. Also, more pics on the programme designer's site:
  11. Until your Alzheimer's causes you to forget why he's there, old man.
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