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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. It's probably my favorite CSNY song. Two random CSNY sidenotes: 1. The dude depicted in the graffiti on the wall at Nublu is the guy who signed CSN to Atlantic Records and suggested the addition of Y. 2. Jimmy Fallon has done several spot-on impressions of Neil Young doing ridiculous covers. Go watch them all. Time to start an "Unleaked Monicker Songs" thread.
  2. I think you've got Lana confused with Conan O'Brien:
  3. The Onion, prescient as always, produced this satirical video in 2011:
  4. Wow, pinup, you've almost outdone yourself here. Where to start... Aside from a sense of catharsis for the victim or survivors, what exactly does violent punishment achieve? It has not proven to be an effective deterrent. In my view, wishing violence upon someone, even a violent criminal, comes from the same dark corner of the human heart as the shooter's actions. And don't even get me fucking started on torture. As TPD points out, the costs associated with capital punishment (costs of holding someone on death row, costs of the method of execution, costs of the appeals process, etc.) can often equal or exceed the cost of life imprisonment. If you're really that concerned about your tax dollars, you might advocate instead for the end of our failed war on drugs which is largely responsible for the incarceration of 1 out of 6 African American men. You know, those black people you love so much. Saying we should kill someone because it's cheaper is careening down a slippery slope at terminal velocity. I know I'm inviting an invocation of Godwin's Law here, but Hitler's hatred of Jews wasn't the only determining factor in the scale of the holocaust. It accelerated as a form of resource management as the Germans were losing the war. In other words, conditions worsened and they killed people faster because they couldn't afford to keep them alive. (On a side note, I wonder sometimes what would have happened with our Japanese internment camps if we had lost the war.) Ugh, this bothers me so much: the idea that the failure of our prison system to effectively prevent prisoners from assaulting other prisoners is somehow a feature, not a bug. You didn't mention rape specifically, but the prison system is perhaps the ultimate example of rape culture. Prison rape is treated as a joke in countless movies and TV shows (a particularly egregious recurring sketch on SNL comes to mind). It's wielded as a threat by cops on TV crime dramas (even on fucking SVU!), art which sadly imitates life. It's fucking sick and hardly anyone objects to it simply because the victims are unsympathetic figures. But Jesus Christ, it's still fucking rape! OK, sorry to go on a rant about prison rape there. But the same arguments apply to non-sexual prison assaults.
  5. Strictly speaking, I think murderers deserve to die, yet I don't think it's right to kill them. And even if it were, I share ata's concern with entrusting the state with that power.
  6. evilentity

    My Boyfriend is Gay

    Why do I get the feeling this will be a big hit in gay clubs despite the fact that it's kinda retrograde and traffics in the worst stereotypes and cliches?
  7. evilentity


    Free legal download of "Filthy Blues".
  8. Wrong Elizabeth Grant. Thanks for playing.
  9. Close. FIFY. http://lesbianswholooklikejustinbieber.tumblr.com/
  10. ^ Is this supposed to be some sort of commentary on the silliness of emulating a celebrity? I mean, shit, Monicker, you stole her hairstyle and the flowers.
  11. Whatever you do, don't listen to PSY's "Gangnam Style" without watching the video.
  12. If she's too busy with American Idol he can just lay down her tracks himself and speed 'em up.
  13. I bet Gatsby looks like a white-haired monkey. No offense.
  14. Maybe we'll get a mix where the bass doesn't sound like shit.
  15. On her MySpace page it always said "2006 OneSong" underneath "Sirens": http://www.screenshots.com/lizzygrant.com/2006-05-28
  16. Is anyone else into the board game The Settlers of Catan (or perhaps you know it by its original German name, Die Siedler von Catan)? The Cities and Knights (Städte und Ritter) expansion is especially awesome. There's a good free online knockoff version of the game at games.asobrain.com that I play sometimes called Xplorers. My username there is also evilentity.
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