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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. Ha, I found these links too a little while ago and alluded to it here, but hadn't gotten around to posting about it. Thanks for saving me the trouble! But where do you see that it was written on January 15, 2005? That would be really significant. My impression had been that he worked on AKA since there's photos of him in the studio with Lizzy and David Kahne. P.S. This probably really belongs in the "LANA SLEUTHING" thread since I don't think there's any reason to think she fu dated this guy aside from the fact that I suspect she bang dated a lot of musicians/producers.
  2. Let me get this straight... So if Lana has food cravings it's because she's on drugs. And if Lana doesn't have f-food cravings it's because she's on drugs. Therefore, she's on drugs. #Logic (c → d) ˄ (¬c → d) → d
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ36S3d1CaU
  4. evilentity


    Full acoustic performance of "You Don't Wanna Know" and a little bit of "Heaven in this Hell":
  5. Buy me Coca-cola Diet Coke & Cool Original Doritos in the middle of the night
  6. evilentity


    Heaven in this Hell is out today.
  7. Orianthi - Heaven in this Hell album
  8. ^ I could totally get behind either of those two. Preferably both. #DirtyOldManPost
  9. While I agree that Lana is under no obligation regarding what details she does or doesn't provide about any charitable work she may have been involved in, the details she has given leave me quite skeptical personally. It's just a gut feeling, but I suspect the impression she gives of the extent of her work is exaggerated. I can't point to anything specifically as evidence of that, but I also haven't seen anything that supports her claims either. Something just doesn't smell right to me about it. Perhaps the absence of details about her Institute of Innovative Thinkers within the time frame promised is merely symptomatic of her general tendency to be unreliable about dates, but it doesn't inspire much confidence in me on this issue and certainly won't if it fails to materialize at all. You'd almost think her band was paid by the number of songs they have to learn or something. Just as a factual matter, even though she said "I fucking hate that song" or something like that once when a fan suggested it (I can't find the receipts right now), she has performed DMD live:
  10. Nah, Sitar was right in the first place:
  11. Yes. "Junky Pride" and "A Star For Nick" are the only Sirens song titles with definitive receipts. There is also speculation that "Next to Me" might actually be called "River Road" and Trash Magic said a mod on the old forum claimed "Out With a Bang" and "Bad Disease" had been streamed under those titles a long time ago, but there's no receipts.
  12. I agree, sadly. ...and all her swimming pool mentions are references to this: Actually, I could get behind this theory based only off the lyrics of "For K Part 2", but not "For K". Well, aside from her different vocal style and more simplistic guitar arrangements, we know because "Junky Pride" was on her web site at least as early as September 2005, "A Star For Nick" and the name "Sirens" were on her MySpace page at least as early as May 2006, and the Team Hellions guy who I suspect was jamie311's source said it was from 2005 or 2006.
  13. Geez, HDB, ~making such a confusion over the simplest, most insignificant lyric~ I hear this quite clearly.
  14. ^ You're losing it old man. Go back to your salad bar.
  15. She never said it was Ruby Tuesdays. See Maru's SIN post here. However, Lana may have made reference to Ruby Tuesday on Facebook, but it's probably just a typo.
  16. It's probably just a typo and she means "on tues", but if not this could be a reference to Ruby Tuesday:
  17. Is it possible to unearth any of her other old MySpace blog posts?
  18. It wasn't my intention to imply that Trash was on the wrong side of all of those lyric disputes, but I hope no one's taking any of this that seriously. It's all in good fun.
  19. Yeah, well, I'll be enjoying my vodka Pepsi while the rest of you Bonnie and Kevins are stuck on neon reservations with your bread and lunches.
  20. "P-P-Pepsi"/"vodka Pepsi" is the new "axiom/accion".
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