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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. evilentity

    Charli XCX

    Um, I'm a little hesitant to post this on behalf of a banned member, but I'm feeling charitable... You can get in touch with them at adrianboyadrian@hotmail.com.
  2. The band White Lies has covered "Ride" which you can listen to below. Previously they did a remix of "Video Games" produced by their bassist Charles Cave who took this photoshoot. More details of Lana's connections to White Lies and Charles Cave here.
  3. What? Are you guys seriously making plans based on a secondhand account of what her dad said in Argentina? Now, I'm not saying it couldn't turn out to be true, but have you guys been reading this thread?
  4. Stereogum article: http://www.stereogum.com/1567302/a-1-summertime-sadness-prod-ryan-hemsworth-video-stereogum-premiere/video/ MTV Buzzworthy blog post: http://buzzworthy.mtv.com/2013/11/15/a-1-ryan-hemsworth-summertime-sadness-video/
  5. I think I found more evidence of Mizrahi shenanigans. Take a look at this archive of the page for Lana Del Ray when it was up on iTunes. Specifically, take a look at the first review, "Mickey loves Lana" by "Mickey knocks" and the part that describes her songs as "mostly to do with meeting men, in questionable places". Compare that to Mike Mizrahi's Knocks from the Underground review which describes her songs as "mostly to do with meeting men, going to questionable places and having dysfunctional relationships".
  6. 1. Lana Del Ray. (Link is also further evidence that the album title is just Lana Del Ray, not Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant. Also, notice the review by "Mickey Knocks": "mostly to do with meeting men, in questionable places". Sounds suspiciously like Mike Mizrahi's Knocks From the Underground review: "mostly to do with meeting men, going to questionable places and having dysfunctional relationships". ) 2. No, we don't. The only evidence in support of this is that the title "River Road" appeared on her MySpace account along with Sirens track "A Star For Nick" (and other mysterious track names) at least as early as May 28, 2006 and its track length is supposedly the same as "Next to Me". However, if I'm not mistaken, that's based on a scrobbled track length. Given the history of certain Lana traders to falsely scrobble tracks under other track names, I wouldn't read too much into that. Either way, that's a little thin in my opinion.
  7. Waiting for Lana's cover of "War Pigs".
  8. The real question is when will Billy Ray cover this? Same tbh.
  9. Here ya go: You know, you've convinced me. I bet that will premiere at the grand opening of the Institute of Innovative Thinkers.
  10. It wouldn't surprise me if she ever covered Frank Sinatra's "Witchcraft".
  11. Because John Wayne is a symbol of that sort of conservative heteronormative ideal of macho masculinity.
  12. Excuse me for finding the irony in this hilarious.
  13. I'm predicting the level of self-indulgence here will shit all over the monologues bookending "Ride". I would bet the $100 @@Monicker will owe me on it. Edit: Also, did someone edit their post? I could have sworn someone speculated whether Lana is a Jesus freak, but I can't find it now. And I had the DC Talk video all ready to go. True story: I once went to a DC Talk concert within a week of seeing Korn/Rob Zombie at the same venue.
  14. Oh yeah? But where da chola strippers at?
  15. And to that I say ~Paradise is a game of do or die, I just ride, ride~ I think she's just a serial lyric repeater generally. But wasn't "JFK" a rumored title even earlier than that? Isn't that why people assumed it was an old song until it surfaced on Rick's site? That's my recollection anyway. She has implied that she's still working with Haynie. Aside from the one repeated sample which we're assuming is his handiwork, I wouldn't consider the production on "Starry Eyed" to be very "heavy". For that matter, all of these tracks seem stripped down compared to BTD, but that may just be owing to their probable demo-ness. In any case, I'm not sure how much weight should be placed on Miss Hawaiian Glam Metal's descriptions of her own surf noir music.
  16. It's a fact that this is getting silly. It's a fact that I never flat out say you're wrong. It's a fact that I explicitly said otherwise several times. It's a fact that having to begin every statement one wished to be taken as true this way (or not being able to take a statement at face value without it beginning this way) would be ridiculous. You don't even need to do that. Just be clear about what you mean by the term.
  17. @@keanefar Sigh back at you. I'm not saying you're wrong. You could very well be right. I'm just saying there's no definitive proof so it shouldn't be stated as fact. Reasonable people can have different opinions, but nobody knows, so nothing should be stated as fact. I feel like a broken record on this. To avoid a distracting argument about what should be considered an "outtake", no, I don't think the upload dates or subjective judgments about the sound or lyrics of these tracks are enough evidence to definitively conclude that she recorded these with the intention of possibly using them on Paradise or that she didn't intend to use them on her next album (which she has implied Rick has also been involved with). Nor can we conclude the reverse.
  18. Yeah, one of the posts I linked to starts out that way because it was part of a completely different discussion where people asked what tracks were BTD outtakes while being really imprecise about what they even meant by an outtake. I linked to that post here because I ended it with my specific objection to the phrase "Paradise outtake" being casually applied to the Nowels tracks with certainty and how I felt that contributed to them leaking sooner. What? How? That makes no sense. I'm not making any claims here. That's the point. I'm saying there's not enough evidence here for anyone to make a factual claim one way or another. Opinions are another matter. I agree that "Black Beauty" is the only one we can say for sure, although I personally think AFFA is very likely as well. @@keanefar I don't necessarily assume the other tracks were written for the new album. I just don't assume that they weren't. I don't think there are clear enough similarities ~lyrically or sonically~ between the other tracks and Paradise, or clear enough such distinctions between the other tracks and BB & AFFA to make any conclusions about what they were intended for. As for the early appearance of the title "JFK", that guy who scrobbled those fake Lana Del Ray & the Casinoz titles (and has a history of doing that shit) told me he thought I was bullshitting him about the existence of these tracks before they leaked because (he claims) he made up the title "JFK" as a fake title a long time ago because he thought it would sound like a plausible song title based on all her Kennedy references. So he claims he thought I was bullshitting when I repeated that title back to him. I don't trust that guy farther than I can throw him, and it would be one hell of a coincidence, but it would sorta make sense and could explain why "JFK" seems to be a new-ish song even though the title has been around for ages. (Of course, it could also just be a recent recording of a song she wrote a long time ago, but it always seemed odd to me that I'd never seen evidence of anyone having a demo of this or anything.)
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