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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. I know. I wouldn't keep insisting on it if I wasn't so sure I hear something else. I'm absolutely certain it's not from the handclaps. Though I can only imagine that's what making it hard for everyone else to hear it. I have literally listened to that part of the studio recording scores of times telling myself the lyric is "P-P-Pepsi" and I still hear "vodka Pepsi". Someone else must hear it. I'm tired of feeling like I'm fucking crazy. Edit: It's not a manifestation of a K fixation, I swear!
  2. Really? You wouldn't find it all interesting if you found out that Lana had actually been involved with someone sentenced to death row for double homicide, or at least understand why other people would? I do get where you're coming from as far as finding the fixation on this one question excessive, but I think K is really a proxy for untangling the web of mystery Lana has woven around herself, intentionally or not, about whether she really is singing about loves lost to death or incarceration and was involved in any of the sorts of trouble she alludes to but never fully reveals in her lyrics and interviews, or whether she is merely making up stories about her life as she sings in "Prom Song (Gone Wrong)".
  3. They must be running the PennCentralFan account too.
  4. I'm not over-complicating. Just telling you what I hear. No matter how hard I try, I can't make myself hear "P-P-Pepsi" on the studio version. The 'k' sound in "vodka" is especially clear to me. It's slightly clearer if you shift the balance all the way to the right speaker, but it's pretty clear to me regardless.
  5. I literally don't even know where to begin with this, but I guess I have to start somewhere. The general tone of ignorant, condescending arrogance aside, which I find most problematic, you're just factually wrong. If the UK isn't important in world affairs, then who would you say is besides the US? Not only has a lot of great literature, music, and art come out of so-called "dying empires", but a lot of it is about loss of empire or the end of colonialism. ...and along with jazz and blues, they were all African American musical art forms that grew out of musical traditions in Africa. What's your point? I find this embarrassing as a fellow American. It's this type of shit that feeds the 'Ugly American' stereotype and makes me want to pin a maple leaf on my backpack the next time I go Eurail-ing.
  6. Now that some scoundrel has leaked the live "Boarding School" video ( ), I think it's worth taking another look at what we think the lyrics are. Obviously she changed up the lyrics in quite a few places, from small changes like "let's get down" and "go to boarding school" to more significant changes like "or that crystal methamphetamine", "municipal" (I think), and "get down like your tutor taught you to and prove it", which works so much better. But I think the live version sheds light on what some of the other lyrics actually are. Though I'm not exactly sure what all the lyrics are in the line before, I think it's pretty clear she says "you let his tattooed ass beat ya". I also don't think she ever says "cruel". I think it's always "cool". And then there's the Pepsi. While I concede that the two syllables before "Pepsi" begin with a 'P' sound in the live version, I still think she says "vodka" on the studio version. (I had heard the live version when I first put forward that theory.) But I'm not convinced she says "P-P-Pepsi" on the live version either (even though that would sort of make sense coming a couple lines after "f-food cravings"). The vowel sounds on those syllables don't sound like schwas to me, but more like long os, especially the second syllable. Could she be saying a slang term for a drug she's mixing in her Pepsi?
  7. Holy fuck! How did I not wander into this thread until now? Sitar, I need the drooling emote from SIN, stat!
  8. In working on the Early Shows subsection, I made an Imgur album of all the screenshots of Lizzy's MySpace page using screenshots.com on lizzygrant.com, lizziegrant.com, lizzigrant.com, and mayjailer.com arranged in chronological order minus any of Rob Grant's domain parking at the beginning or anything after the end of 2011: http://imgur.com/a/xAKeg I thought other Lana sleuths might find it useful.
  9. evilentity


    Live performance of another new song:
  10. Strip her down to her bare ass, in her Kiki Montparnasse
  11. :pedobear: Frankly I don't understand how we've gone this long without it.
  12. Yeah. There's absolutely no reason to think that's the title.
  13. I'm kind of offended you would publicly suggest that I, a fellow mod, would violate LanaBoards' tenth commandment by creating a troll account: What's next, accusing the admin of breaking their own rule about multiple accounts?
  14. Was this something that came with the vinyl release of PE or the PE box set? And was it for the BTD single on vinyl or the BTD album on vinyl?
  15. Someone remind me... what was it that had some special thing you could put your "Born to Die" vinyl single in?
  16. Perhaps this partially explains what she was referring to when she said she "chaired Soho": I'd assume AG = Arlene's Grocery, but sometimes she talks about it as if it were a support group or something.
  17. As a software engineer, I can not overstate how much your unmatched left parens bothers me.
  18. evilentity's Law: My productivity α 1/Lana's productivity
  19. She's sung about Cleopatra before, maybe this one will be about Catherine the Great.
  20. I don't even want to think about what kind of cultural appropriation there might be this time... It's a Fox News-style headline. As long as there's a question mark at the end, it doesn't matter how misleading it is, right? #WeDistortYouDecide
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