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Everything posted by details

  1. i really doubt this would change anything a lot of viral music there is unlicensed unreleased music they will just put bootleg uploads of released music now
  2. details

    Charli XCX

    it leaked already? ouu its bad for ha
  3. details

    Charli XCX

    we're not talking about this enough imo look how fucking CUNT charli looks baby she's giving ROCKSTAR
  4. is she tho? is she really? i'll believe when i see her on stage
  5. details

    Nicki Minaj

    all of this could've been avoided if she was on the studio shooting a video instead of being on the internet 24/7 like her unemployed teenage fanbase. i'm tired of her ratchet ass behaving like a vh1 reality show contestant z list celebrity. get some class, some decorum, some dignity, some professionalism goddamit! you're a big star, act like one you hood rat. and GET A FUCKING JOB!! i know you're already rich but that's not an excuse to be jobless onika
  6. details

    Charli XCX

    i mean… does umru even do much? 😭 he seems to be a "retoucher" rather than THE producer yk he seems to let other people do the bulk work and then he puts some finishing touches
  7. details

    Nicki Minaj

    not nicki having beef with despicable me in the first tweet 😭😭
  8. details

    Nicki Minaj

    idk about yall but if a family member of mine was an alleged rapist i'd distance myself from them…
  9. details

    Charli XCX

    i hope it's danny, umru and dylan can stay in 2019 xx
  10. details

    Charli XCX

    it's ok best friend i found it very entertaining i was just shocked a bit bc didn't expect anyone having that much to say about benny ever 😭 but you go sista speak your truth!!
  11. details

    Nicki Minaj

    now where was this energy when making pink friday 2…
  12. details

    Charli XCX

    this enormous read omg
  13. details

    Nicki Minaj

    atp it's straight up crack that shits STRONG
  14. details

    Charli XCX

    why do you hate that white 🚬 so much 😭 i mean same… kinda…
  15. ikr just imagine the lush strings we could've had
  16. details

    Nicki Minaj

    i think she is having an episode, i really do. this is not normal behavior, specially over something as little as the "megan's law" bar. nicki is clearly not well in the head
  17. Arcadia - Emile Haynie this is a hill i'll die on arcadia would be a much better song if it had instrumentation similar to blue velvet
  18. details

    Nicki Minaj

    talking about megan's dead mama when her own father passed away not so long ago is just…
  19. details

    Nicki Minaj

    i think she's legitimately having a manic episode of some sort, this is not normal behavior. i tried to overlook her previous erratic behavior as "she's doing things for attention" or "she's playing a character" but this woman is clearly not well mentally
  20. details

    Charli XCX

    oh lord thank u for saying this bc i thought the exact same thing but i feared i'd get jumped for that
  21. details

    Charli XCX

    i think the lie was the britney one since britney herself made sure to debunk that not so long ago
  22. i would call ben & ed and tell them i changed my mind and that wanna do a video for a&w
  23. i'm working on a btd anniversary concept this thread is helpful thank u
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