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Poor Stacy

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Everything posted by Poor Stacy

  1. Imagine her performing on SNL and she does A&W + Taco Truck. So Lana of her to return to SNL and sing "I know you hate me" on live television~
  2. Wait... Maybe she dropped a <3 on Morgan Wallen's IG post because she, too, is releasing 36 songs very shortly...
  3. Did You Know That There's a Tunnel Under the Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd: Pearl Watch Me On Ring Psycho Lifeguard - The Companion Album
  4. I don't want anything overshadowing the new album unless it's ... another new album to pair with the new album.
  5. My favorite theory is that we're still getting an album called Rock Candy Sweet. Produced fully by Jack, it's an album full of exclusively uptempo, new rock-leaning tracks they worked on together when she was feeling inspired after recording Ocean Blvd.
  6. I'd actually be a little annoyed if she dropped an Unreleased album before Ocean Blvd because all the braindead TikTok/Reddit dorks would allow it to overshadow the new album.
  7. BOZ makes it sound like we're going to be really surprised. That makes me think it's big big. But I don't know how to narrow it down. BBC Radio Hottest Record World Premiere could either be a new single from the album, or new music period. Neil Krug makes it sound like a release is imminent for something, even if it's not the album. Since Lana's so prolific, I'm guessing new music if not a new single, but IDK what that means release-wise.
  8. Ocean Blvd digitally releasing tonight Visual album tomorrow Two more albums coming March 24: 'N' album and 'C' album ... DNC Eurovision performance
  9. I believe this is a triple album surprise. Because of the delay, we will now be getting the 'N' album and the 'C' (covers?) album on the same day as the 'D'id you Know... album. DNC.
  10. The way we would all die if she already had a companion album ready to go for this album. She was in the studio late last year. That'd be wild. I'm being delulu but I love it. That or vinyl box set, please. Titties all out~
  11. I'm assuming a visual for the album/singles with a new song from the album involved. But if she covered Hung Up on a Dream I'm really going to convulse.
  12. Re: Neil Krug’s story Is she covering Hung Up On a Dream by The Zombies? Because if so, I sent her a tweet asking her to cover that song specifically back in 2017 during the LFL era. I would actually die if she covered the random album track I asked her to.
  13. Actually, if it’s Grandfather she can tie in promo for her dad’s album, too...
  14. I hope/manifest it's going to be Grandfather. That would be such a serve. Or Let The Light In.
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