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Everything posted by jazzlessbaby

  1. I pretend to be a rational stan with OB on heavy rotation, but really... I need The Right Person Will Stay. I've tried to be mature about it, but I NEED it.
  2. I don't think we're getting any videos this time around.
  3. I think it's time for a new fake insider to rise, just to entertain us for the moment. Actually, it would be better for an authentic insider to say something to ease our anguish.
  4. Hmmmmm. I knew I'd log in here and find y'all being absolutely weird and dismissive about the fact that Beyoncé had won Album of the Year for Cowboy Carter. I don't give a damn whether this is a "sympathy" award. If we're being entirely honest, this should be her 3rd Album of the Year award. Moreover, this should not be the first album by a black female artist to win in 25 years, which I'm sure most of you - especially being a very particular demographic - definitely do not understand.
  5. Room of Fools is unfortunately her, like... She ate.
  6. I listened to Childlike Things before the rest of the album and it was cute, but listening within the context of the whole album Anyway, some of the sonic choices feel so random and abrupt, especially on the transition of Striptease for me. I love the album, though it's not entirely what I would have expected from a techno-trance-inspired album, which is a first for me, since all I consume is R&B majority of the time. The title track is still a highlight and I fear nothing has topped it. I'm not disappointed with Room of Fools at all - I've actually been looking forward to it since the snippets we've heard and I love it 24hr Dog - absolutely flawless! I know she teased a deluxe, but unless we get Lonely, But Exciting Road, she can keep it. I feel like a deluxe would stain her discography - it feels so unclean to me for some reason.
  7. I'm lowkey glad she's doing nothing, because I have no cash to splash on her at the moment, but I'm still losing my mind. I need Henry to see the light of day by the end of January.
  8. Just thought of this... What if Roses Bloom For You is reworked as the title track? The lyrics do make sense as The Right Person Will Stay?
  9. I'm listening to OB again and the difference in clarity between Sweet and A&W Mind you, #she is not credited in Sweet.
  10. Yeah, she has more than a handful of consistently good albums. And she has warned us that the content would be much lighter, so I already am not expecting a masterpiece. Just something sweet, something light.
  11. So, what I'm gathering from this is that... I'll finally get to hear I Must Be Stupid for Feeling So Happy?
  12. Right? If the album's coming in May, we're probably not getting the first single anytime soon.
  13. I'M SCREAMING ENDLESSLY INSIDE OH MY FUCKING GOD We have suffered long enough!
  14. I haven't been as locked in for new music this year, but I'd say my top 5s would be: Albums - Alligator Bites Never Heal, Cowboy Carter, Bird's Eye, Quantum Baby and Eternal Sunshine Songs: Denial Is a River, Eusexua, Alliigator Tears, Caught Up, Bigger in Texas & Girl so confusing
  15. Too boring? Lana? This is like rejecting cutlery from a kitchen.
  16. I'm not necessarily the most knowledgeable on US Politics, but I do know that whatever happens in the US tends to ripple around the world and the results so far are abhorrent.
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