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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Ma'am this is LanaBoards.com
  2. Considering that we live in an era where social media presence is the most important medium for exposure in the business, I find her decision to be very impactful honestly. I think it's very big of her, but after the past two years I think she has showed us that she is a fragile and mistundersood person and the criticism and constent negative energy that was brought to her, whether or not it was warranted, it finally got to her. Her instagram is honestly iconic, I'll miss that. It was definitely a sort of extention of her visuals and I loved that. But I wish her all the love and support.
  3. Watching this for the first time in forever has me crying gorls Simpler times...
  4. I will never forget this fire selfie.
  5. Well.. this is where me and my sensitive Cancer cosmic sister can relate. This is totally something I would do (and have done in the past)
  6. This is distressing, but this is also a 36 year old woman who's had a fucked up relationship, to say the least, with the public and critics alike for the past ten years. This isn't surprising in the slightest, but the timing is off. I honestly wish her the best.
  7. Ironically this is the last time this thread is going to be relevant.
  8. While this makes me sad, because her insta posts are interesting to look at I have nothing but love and respect for her having taking this decision.
  9. This has me thinking that she's going to become increasingly lowkey about everything.
  10. well I think her team runs her Facebook and whatnot
  11. This speaks volume about how her relationship with social media affects her emotionally. I daresay that this decision was influenced by the overwhelming negative backlack she received last year.
  12. Also, us after she does that:
  13. Lana tomorrow after she deactivates everything:
  14. I quite honestly do not care for picture discs as they are notorious for sounding like shit.
  15. I can't believe we are collectively deprived of a vinyl variant with that beautiful picture. A hate crime.
  16. Or maybe 'Arcadia', as beautiful of a track it might be, just isn't a chart topper? Like you said it's yet another ballad from Lana.
  17. We'll definitely start a class action lawsuit, I know just the person that can help us out.
  18. ISTG if they don't drop a variant with the smiling picture I'm gonna sue and sue good.
  19. not saying it can't, just saying it's an overdly done formula on her part.
  20. Respectfully disagreeing with this asf. ETA: Neil has taken some of my favourite Lana pictures ever, the man is nothing short of a visionary.
  21. Waiting for that "smiling" cover variant to drop like
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