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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. This song has really grown on me.
  2. Well... never again for me. Hard pass.
  3. THANK YOU! That's an actual unpopular opinion. I know people will go to length to say that the AKA version is superior (even though it's great). The Paradise version of Yayo is the best. It's eerie and hauntingly beautiful.
  4. Well, that was quite the expansive ego trip.
  5. A shitshow if there ever was one. 600 million dollars later for the Parliament to be almost the same.
  6. I find 'Chemtrails' to be way more enjoyable of a listen than 'NFR!'.
  7. The way Lana prolly didn't deactivate @honeymoon yet because she forgot the password and has yet to recover it
  8. Well at least @honeymoon is alive and breathing... for now.
  9. The 'HBTB' surely represents her tumultuous relationship with the press and public opinion. I feel so bad for her, she is clearly going through a rough patch.
  10. There's something about this whole thing that doesn't sit right with me.
  11. Trying to be not overly dramatic and conspirator over this, but maybe this wasn't her decison? With the new label maybe they take [REDACTED] more seriously than Interscope does?
  12. That's literally the point of the Bloc though, Mer. They do not intend on forming a government as they only have candidates in one province. They aim to have the "balance of power". They have arguably acheived that goal in the past.
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