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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Yall are not gonna slander her beautiful and talented background singers, it's not their fault if her mic is fucking her up like that
  2. But why does her background singers' mics sound just fine and hers sounds so... well, messy??
  3. Come on now she played like 1/3 of West Coast
  4. So we're getting a full Summertime Sadness while we hot a good minute and a half of God Coast, okay werk Lana
  5. Manifesting FJM and calling it a day with those two alone.
  6. Lana's geriatric stans please stand stay up for this legendary performance in the making!!
  7. Definitely worth staying up late for this iconique event, if she shows up on time that is.
  8. The Coachella livestream should be available for at least 24 hours after it airs. But after that you can trust that they will pull the set off YouTube. I assume that some fans will grab before it disappears though.
  9. Bringing back my favourite video of Lana at Coachella--manifesting this cunty, engaging and fearless energy for tonight's performance
  10. Also imagine a billionaire going after a fucking student just for highlighting publicly available information. This is a weird and petty battle for her to fight and not a good look. I was actually rooting for her over the whole IA picture scandal, but this is bizarre.
  11. If anything this is just going to encourage more people to track her flighting logs down, and this is not adressing the actual issue as well.
  12. So we should cut Taylor some slack because she's already at the receiving end of so much "criticism" and because other celebrities/billionaires have questionable environmental practices? She's the one sueing, so I don't see why this concerns other celebrities/billionaires. Besides, this is publicly available information posted after a 24h window... there's very little concern over her safety. We all know she's touring anyways. A lifetime of paper straws won't do shit for the environment with these people around.
  13. We are seated and perched for this. When the world needed her most, she vanished...
  14. I support successful women supporting other successful women, and call me a conspiracy theorist, but Taylor's overly supportive energy during the entirety of the evening just made it look like she thought Lana wasn't able to shine on her own, as if she desperately needed her help for that. Sometimes less is more.
  15. I think there’s a way to acknowledge someone else’s impact, and show them affection, and it’s not by forcibly dragging that person to come on stage after they lost an award to you. But then again, Taylor always gives main character energy and her actions often come across as performative. I agreed with what she said about Lana though—she deserves her own flowers. Anyways, the Grammys are still a scam, just another weird, circlejerky industry thing where actual talent doesn’t necessarily gets recognized or acknowledged. Lana should not even bother attending at this point, she should just make music and dip honestly. These things are only as important as we make them out to be.
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