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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Ella if you read this, do what you gotta do. We'll get you into the witness protection program!
  2. If she ever does a BBC Live lounge session again at some point, I pray that the sound engineer does his fucking job this time around
  3. Polish Sock Lady is an icon, she's a legend and SHE is the moment, now come on now.
  4. Yes. Would you date someone from a completely different background than you with complete different views of the world/society?
  5. Cause in true Miley fashion, her album probably has 1-2 bops and the rest is fillers.
  6. All of this wouldn't have happened if Miley wouldn't have put out that album of hers.
  7. You have the album? Good for you! You want to let everyone know that you got it? That's your prerogative--you go honestly! But the whole ''okay I'll write a review and tease lyrics'' thing is so unnecessary and gatekeepy, especially being this close to the release date and with all the stupid snippets circulating.
  8. Not to mention the ''I guess no one was able to guess it right--we'll have to wait and see 😝!!1!'' comment that followed.
  9. People were attacking BoZ for teasing as well as ruining the so-called ''surprise'', I have not seen a single post complaining about him giving his thoughts or describing the vibe of the album.
  10. It's just so weird to me how this album hasn't leaked yet, like the leaks rollout that occurred so far is very... flaccid.
  11. Critical acclaim, schmitical acclaim. I really don't care about what critics will think of this record; leave the circlejerk.
  12. One of the most influential song of all time—
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