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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. I hope one day they do a Hunger Games/Capitol themed Met Gala. Just throwing this out there in the universe.
  2. It's very florals for spring, but also Chanel-esque--I think it's cute, just not the most memorable outfit of the night.
  3. you can be on-theme and look boring, which is exactly what she managed to do
  4. idc that this is Kylie Jenner, this look eats
  5. the headpiece took me out, miss Flo what are you doing
  6. this is so on-brand, it's giving hyperpop Berlin jockstrap gay
  7. I think we should start blaming the big brands/couture houses that actually buy their seats/tables at the Met Gala and not the celebrities that are forced to wear their hideous-out-of-theme outfits.
  8. Her 2016 Festival Tour speaks for itself, it was a carbon copy of The Endless Summer Tour the year before + Lolita & Summertime Sadness.
  9. Blue Banisters is most definitely a b-sides album though, never argued that, but so is Chemtrails
  10. BoZ, Kintsugi and the likes already confirmed that Ocean Blvd is the first album in many that didn't recycle or re-use songs that were meant/recorded for past albums.
  11. So you agree then, a portion of the record could've been recorded right after or during the NFR sessions? I'm just trying to understand, why would it be so blasphemous to acknowledge that the timeline of Lana recording albums intertwines or overlaps, like pretty sure it happens with other artists, and like Lana is definitely known for recording a gazillion songs and then cherrypick what she likes for an album based on what was recorded, or reuse/rework songs she left on the cutting board for future albums.
  12. Well let's agree to disagree then, because no one can speak with certitude about the recording timeline of those two albums.
  13. Lana and Jack both said that they never really stopped recording music together, so the timeline of the so-called NFR-Chemtrails sessions is a bit shady anyway. But judging by the How to disappear/Wild at Heart situation and Lana reworking DBJAG into the NFR title track, it's not a foregone conclusion to assume that she recorded it all back to back, or that the recording process of both albums wasn't linear.
  14. Nah @Terrence Loves Me has a point, she said that when Lana starts working with a different producer, the sound/vibe of the album is completely different from the album before and she is right. It's not to say that any albums are bad, it's just that NFR & Chemtrails sound alike, not a carbon copy of, but you can tell that the songs were recorded in the same sessions (except for Yosemite). As for Ocean Blvd, the album sounds like the natural evolution of Blue Banisters, NFR & Chemtrails (with some tracks featuring trap beats), again, it's not to say that any of it is bad, but the similarities & samples speak for themselves. It's a valid perspective.
  15. I think you may want to venture out of LanaBoards-Honeymoon is generally appreciated and called her best work out there. As for Chemtrails and Blue Banisters, they are often referred to as her ''worst'', ''most boring'' work on Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Tik Tok and the likes.
  16. I don't necessarily feel a disconnect per se, but I initially really liked most songs, but now three weeks later I'm only really listening to the four songs I really care for (A&W, Candy Necklace, Grandfather, LTLI). I think it's a beautiful album nonetheless, but I don't feel the same level of addiction or interest that I may have felt with past releases. I just think she's long overdue for an actual switch up with the production team, we've heard new names on this record and I hope that she has interest in working with these people for the next era (Nick Waterhouse, Zach Dawes, Ian Doerr, Mike Hermosa).
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