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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. I think some people lack music knowledge when they act like festival performances must be a greatest hits performance, or musical pot-pourri of sorts. A lot of artists perform big festivals and pretty much do the same set they would as part of a normal tour, or even better, a festival performance is sometimes apart of their current tour (in promotion of their most recent project). Her setlist has been the subject of criticism for years--people saying she's just comfortable singing the same songs and doesn't feel like singing her most recent songs (at the time of their release). I remember this very forum criticizing her for singing 4 NFR songs on the NFR tour.
  2. Exactly, most fans are seasoned fans and have either been to her shows, or watched countless videos of her performing the same songs for the past 11 years. A lot of us just wish she was more adventurous with her setlist, it's cute, but it's very safe/stale at this point. Every tour of hers, has been 50% Born To Die songs + a handful of tracks from the most recent albums + one unreleased track. It's not complaining, it's just stating facts.
  3. I think it was to be expected, but it's disappointing, she's basically skipping two eras/albums. I understand that Festival performances are more grand public and less niche than standard tours, but still. I feel like some songs deserved to be on the setlist, although time will tell, we don't have the full setlist just yet--but it's looking to be pretty standardized/neutral...
  4. So this is the Born to Die tour + selected songs from her discography
  5. I hope someone suggests to her to open the show with White Dress.
  6. Venice Bitch as a closing track would've been so good though...
  7. and just like that you just earned your very first reputation point 😌
  8. First thing I thought of was this iconique performance
  9. As far as I know Scooter Braun purchased her masters, but not her copyrights. She still "owns" her songs.
  10. NOOOOOOO Rest in love, Legend. She was simply the best.
  11. There is nothing sacrilegious in saying that something is a cashgrab in this industry, she's one of many artists that has cashgrabbing ways, as long as you acknowledge it for what it is
  12. No disrespect to Taylor, I think she works hard and has an impressively large discography, but I can't deny that a lot of what she does (especially the whole Taylor's version thing) is giving cashgrab. But good for her stans if they feel fed.
  13. peope act like it's an insult saying that whatever she does is calculated and carefully thought out, it's not, this is show business babes Not the first time that the words Taylor Swift cashgrab are found in the same sentence.
  14. That's the same artist currently milking her fans by rerecording her entire discography, just cause some sleazy manager bought her masters—
  15. I don't particularly care for this, but it's nice how Taylor actually feeds her fans with stuff.
  16. she has to open the show with White Dress
  17. I know it's a bit overdone at this point, but I haven't seen Lana live since 2017 and I've never seen her perform Cherry. I would very much like to see that.
  18. Leave it to Lana to make a beloved song sound as understated and underwhelming as possible, her pre-NFR/bombastic self is rolling in her grave
  19. Beautiful & meaningful footage, but I do hope this video gets the Arcadia treatment and she releases another cut of the video--the video without the behind-the-scene stuff.
  20. That's funny, yall always complain about how ''repetitive''/poor her lyrics were prior to NFR, especially on Ultraviolence. Always acting like those songs are, in hindsight, subar from a songwriting perspective. That's one POV I don't give a fuck about and/or don't agree with. The music was so much more atmospheric then. Besides I've had this argument countless times with you and other hardcore post-NFR stans--I've stated my case many times and I don't care to do it again with you here. Love that some people love the vagabond poet-stream of consciousness, more freestyle stuff, and there are songs I really appreciate that follow that path/approach, but I still think that her pre-NFR lyricism was more mystical, mysterious and effective without feeling like she was breathlessly trauma dumping sharing her innermost thoughts. Have a nice day!
  21. Lyrics are lyrics, I couldn't care less if some songs have repetitive lyrics. At the end of the day, I like it when they mesh well with the melody and create a distinct atmosphere/vibe--which is exactly what she managed to do on her earlier records with that type of lyricism. On the other hand, I don't think that just because a song is more personal or wordy that the lyrics are necessarily superior or better; they might be more ''developed'' but that's it. Some of her wordier/mumblier pieces aren't all that melodic, or have much replay value. I'll take Lana singing that she's a sad girl or that she wants money, power & glory on a continuous loop, over her waxing poetics about her innermost thoughts, stream of consicousness style, without any real distinctive melody. I appreciate all her songs and I think the songs are interesting from an artistic POV, but I don't find myself wanting to dive into the latter all that much.
  22. Love that for you, but it's just corny to me
  23. "I'm the board, the lightning, the thunder Kind of girl who's gonna make you wonder Who you are and who you been" It's giving quirky alt chick in an indie rom-com "I'm not like the other girls, I'm one or the guys" type of character.
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