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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. it's been quite an interesting day to say the least
  2. I think Lana is more of a Five Guys girlie
  3. miss Lana managed to make us just a little less gay.
  4. As per usual this is probably just Lana being silly, no easter egg or possible hint intended, but this is the comic relief I needed today.
  5. Her comments under the post are cracking me tf up. It's camp.
  6. I'm afraid to report that "thatswhytheycallmeLanita" has no matching on OnlyF*ns.
  7. That's a nice way of celebrating the release or her most iconique album.
  8. Lana sure love to have us gaze at her boobies
  9. "Tente de gagner un disque de diamant à ton nom" I honestly hope it's something special. Clear Born To Die double vinyl for the 10th anniversary?
  10. Iconique, show-stopping, culturally significant, career defining, brilliant, never done before, long lasting impact and so on. This album IS the blue print. I didn't quite started listening to Lana when the album came out, that would be a few months later during the summer of 2012, but today feels really special.
  11. This album is the blue print for all the sadcore girlies.
  12. I cannot believe this album is turning ten years old tomorrow.
  13. Getting ready for what Lana?
  14. Love that she's using her platform to spread this type of energy.
  15. I believe she actually writes these things on a typewriter.
  16. She goes to 7/11 for bananas and mochas.
  17. The typewriter had me cautiously reading her post, it's kinda sending though.
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