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Everything posted by AllForYou

  1. tbh I'm more annoyed by her mentioning redoing her old demos (on two separate occasions) than I am about the lack of INHA on streaming services, I'm sure it's an abandoned idea now
  2. she was never going to release that version (though idk why she couldn't just make a fake acoustic version with the stems like the L+F 'acoustics') but I fear she just said she'd release it to try and get fans to like her again, which was silly cause people are still asking where it is as the only confirmation she changed her mind was a recording from a private Q&A after a concert.
  3. she also made the announcement just as she was dragging a stan on twitter for calling her poor so the timing was not great for the 'marina hates her fan' bandwagon
  4. you're probably just joking, but if you're not you've got it the wrong way round. I said before but I think if she kept matd she might have faired l+f better, it was too many nails in the coffin, it started the era off by 'ditching' her fans that just spent years waiting for her album. (other nails include: absolutely lame aesthetic, dumping 3 singles in like 2 months then nothing else, 0 fan interaction; & cancelling a Q&A without telling anyone, hyping up a concept and saying the albums should be listened to in 2 halves then them not sounding sonically that different and not actually being able to listen to them separately cause she removed the 'love' ep, etc etc ) I know that wasn't what she meant by dropping 'and the diamonds' and after reading some interviews I do understand why she did it, but her twitter 'statement' wasn't great especially considering the reading comprehension of twitter is possibly the worse of any social media site as people are so preoccupied with replying in 0.2 seconds to try and get some attention they don't actually read the tweet properly. it's just 'yas queen slay'. people were upset she ditched her band, specifically (?) ben fletcher who did the remixed froot intros and has been with her since tfj (I think?) he's also jess' husband so... I guess we won't be seeing him again
  5. AllForYou

    Charli XCX

    apparently it was mostly an instrumental so I wouldn’t get your hopes up
  6. AllForYou

    Charli XCX

    I wonder if she'll close it at 36k again seeing as she went down to 35.8k from 36.1k since she last opened it
  7. AllForYou


    ah yes because she’s never promised to ‘just drop a load of singles before’… (no shade at you)
  8. AllForYou

    Charli XCX

    I hate the phrasing 'turning her back on pop' like sucker turned her away from the more indie sound of true romance, vroom vroom was deffo a big turn from sucker, charli was completely different to vroom vroom, crash and hifn are two completely different albums. I would be MORE surprised if her next album sounded like crash than if it didn't...
  9. AllForYou

    Charli XCX

    if you don't have a twitter account fckyeahcharli is blocked for being 18+
  10. AllForYou

    Charli XCX

    maybe they bought it after she was signed? machines has an updated 2010 version, maybe they tried to do some of the other songs.
  11. AllForYou


    true I guess, but equally she couldn’t say ‘columbia are a piece of shit and have my songs hostage’ cause that wouldn’t get them back (that didn’t even work for Taylor Swift)
  12. AllForYou


    I think she’s using that as an excuse, I think the main problem is she made that music with columbia and now she’s left there are some legal issues (which she’s alluded too already)
  13. AllForYou

    Charli XCX

    I just feel like it’s risky getting that tattooed on you so early on, maybe I’m just pessimistic but I think I would wait until after the ‘era’ if this even is an era.
  14. AllForYou

    Charli XCX

    360_brat went from 36.1k followers to 35.9k followers, I wonder if she’s kicking people off or if they’re getting bored also someone got ‘360_brat’ tattooed on them…
  15. AllForYou

    Charli XCX

    but hifn was made in six weeks and the 24 hours album was made in 24hrs so obviously they’re not going to be comparable to her “polished” albums… and hifn got praised for being ‘of the moment’ not because it was ‘groundbreaking’ in any technical sense right? or is this an unpopular opinion I’ve never come across before…
  16. me neither, but I think the part that gives 'not like the other girls' vibes is the second part of the chorus: 'girls, they never befriend me 'cause I fall asleep when they speak of all the calories they eat' just comes across as if marina is 'above' that kind of thing, but I think it's just conveyed badly and she meant it more I wish women could talk about anything else instead of talking about diets. to me it really encapsulates the late 2000s (she wrote it in 2008, a year after britney's breakdown) especially with the second verse: 'all the journos in heat write such good stories, oh their mothers must be proud, making money off your insecurity and doubt'. and it still holds relevance now, and the pre-chorus 'never meant to look a day past 30' still hits, especially when you see women past the age of 25 on social media just existing and all the comments are like 'omg you're 25???? you look so good!!' as if you disintegrate into dust past the age of 20
  17. I was referring to this tweet and I'm pretty sure she made another reference but I can't find it, obviously on it's own I would not be like 'OMG ELECTRA HEART' as you say it's homage to 1920s film for this character and other iconic movie moments, but it's because of her own tweets I mentioned it
  18. 100% agree!! she'll sing these songs but she won't speak out on any political opinions on her platform, and sorry for bringing this up again in the case of her going to the hotel in man's world, I think that really just cemented that she doesn't believe in what she's saying. she made money off that song, got positive attention for making it and using an all female team(!!), then brazenly went to it despite the boycott. if she had just... not posted pictures of herself there then no one would have known she'd gone, but she's gotten what she wanted by that point.
  19. considering she's welsh yeah I think she should deffo call the english out, it's not like it's not deserved. I bet marina doesn't even speak any welsh, who's fault is that? the english for trying to eradicate it. in regards to the monarchy, the majority of people in the uk do not give a shit about the monarchy and just want to be able to afford food/bills atm. it wouldn't hurt her career at all, especially as her fanbase is mostly the demographic of wanting to get rid of the monarchy. in wales, people were posting anti-monarchy/independent wales posters during the coronation, ofc that gets squashed cause the news won't report properly it in mainstream media, they arrested peaceful protesters for literally nothing before the coronation. if this was a non-white country then people would be calling it out as some kind of horrendous dictatorship. whilst we can all have opinions on american politics (and god knows it's an easy target), to me (though I'm not sure how much my non-american opinion counts) it just flops because she chose to live there. she chose to live in a country that 'fucked with the food chain' with weird tasting food and lower food standards than the UK/EU, and on top of that she has the privileged option of simply opting out with her wealth and buying organic/grass fed whatever the fuck. which many people, all over the world, do not have especially rn. edit: as she's also greek, she could shine light on that, she spoke about it briefly in an interview one time but anti-greek sentiments, especially after their economy crashed went up. she said she doesn't experience that sort of thing first hand because she looks white, but this is something she's actually experienced and seen happen to people she loves first hand.
  20. AllForYou

    Charli XCX

    I wonder what charli is going to sing about when she’s in her 50s
  21. AllForYou

    Charli XCX

    in ATAP it's almost 4am and then in taxi it's 4am just getting started so it all works out
  22. AllForYou

    Charli XCX

    one thing we all need to agree on with ATAP is that it is not an album closer. the first line is literally 'after the after party, we're going to keep it going'. it's the opener for the deluxe portion of XCX World
  23. honestly I've said this before that (acting like she's a real person) I don't think electra heart is 'dead' as she's deffo the type to gone girl fake her own death but I'm not sure that I trust marina to really pull that off? the 'retro electra heart' collection or whatever in 2019 was not it, yes it had some really good ideas like the silk gown, and the pinafore was a good idea, but the lime green 'bubblegum bitch' logo? when has electra heart ever been lime green? she was so desperate for that to colour scheme to work in the L+F era. also the venus fly trap interpretation of electra heart... no ma'am, what's with the 1920s hair and brows? I know she used to jump around with the timing of electra heart, some of it was very 1950s but she called the radioactive video '70s americana', but 1920s it was not. there was one look in the venus fly trap video that screamed electra heart to me, and I know it was meant to reference the family jewels, but the 60s look gave me 'electra heart's gone into telemarketing' vibes. a subtle nod to big stars/it girls often forgotten about and left to the wayside once they got 'old'.
  24. keep it! you're not a marina fan but a marina and the diamonds fan
  25. never seen that one, but she runs the marinasmarilyn one (only on Twitter not the Instagram one of the same name), it was was briefly active in 2019. that’s where we got this meme from:
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