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kid blue

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About kid blue

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  • Birthday 10/12/1996

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  • Location
    wild west

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  1. tell us about Is This Happiness, Lana
  2. I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that, I mean't it in the way that interviewers and such keep talking about it and spinning the words and people on twitter starting drama over it, not us talking about it on here, I should have said it a different way.
  3. So now that the whole 'I want to die' thing has been discussed, although her statement about not promoting it is bs, can everybody drop it cause I'm sure we're all tired of hearing about it. Also, Barrie
  4. somehow I always seem to forget he's Scottish.
  5. kid blue

    Song vs. Song

    Cruel World vs JFK
  6. maybe it's for another video. it seems like she's tying the videos together so who knows. one can hope tho
  7. kid blue

    Song vs. Song

    Old Money vs Flipside
  8. Idk I have a hard time believing that it's about Taylor. I mean look at them together. doesn't look like there's bad blood between them but who knows.
  9. I guess I'm surprised and not surprised in the slightest with how dark her mind is. Just thinking it myself is one thing, hearing her confirm it just makes me really fucking sad. I don't know...
  10. not exactly ultraviolence era but I'm dying to know where this dress is from and have no idea where to look.
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