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Everything posted by YUNGATA

  1. that podcast was bullshit by the way. all that trash talk about florida kilos and lindsay zoladz backpedaling like crazy tryna get into the hipster good books again like w/e girl.
  2. another album, another bae~ and the world spins on and on
  3. can't believe i went for a jb joke over cher ;_; who am i????????
  4. i do wonder where dear old ben mawson is in all this. is he just idly watching this media shitstorm? has he been advising lana but she's just going against what he says? he must know that antagonising the media isn't good for her image.
  5. well i wanna know about the underwear of a lot of ppl but i don't actually go around asking them overall interesting post btw and one i'm glad for, i'm sure we all secretly get a little wet when evil daddy puts us in line but i did want to debate one point with you i feel like we interpreted this differently. she could throw in the towel and live comfortably off her earnings but she'd probably be miserable anyway. i know it sounds pretentious as hell but lana definitely strikes me as a creative type, definitely some form of artist. my experiences of artists is that they rarely create for others and often don't even create for themselves. it's kind of something internal that drives them to make things, because it brings them some kind of catharsis. in this sense i kind of get what lana means when she says she wants to quit, even if it sounds hypocritical. writing, painting, any form of artistic creation can be simultaneously frustrating and calming. i know she doesn't necessarily love the fame and a lot of the bullshit that comes with it, but i'm also certain she's passionate about her music, which is why i know deep down she won't quit. mostly i think she needs to learn to think before she speaks, particularly to journalists. this doesn't excuse her for having such a big chip on her shoulder and at times acting a little bratty/dramatic, but it's just how i kind of view the whole situation.
  6. black beauty, brooklyn baby and mpg for me~ I can rly imagine a video for black beauty with lots of bright lights and spinning around. maybe a little akin to imogen heaps hide and seek vid? but w/ the production value of shades of cool.
  7. she looks so lovely! quite relaxed on stage. thanks for posting the pics~
  8. it's nice to see we're coming into an age where celebrities more openly call out bullshit journalism. #iconic
  9. idk man the vibe I've always gotten from what Lindsay Zoladz writes about lana is that she just doesn't really get her and tbh, she's trying way too hard. lana isn't some feminist enigma that needs to be deconstructed and analysed to make sense of. Her core themes are pretty obviously love, sex, heartbreak and the attainability of the american dream. the fact that she's singing from a submissive standpoint rather than a dominant one shouldn't really change anything. ppl need 2 learn that sexual submission doesn't always equal misogyny.
  10. It's so weird seeing a lana vid that isn't like completely instagram filtered to hell or black and white.
  11. Well based on what she said in The guardian interview tell me that doesn't sound exactly like Black Beauty.


    you can find it if you search flipside on tumblr
  13. i'm not sure i'd describe her as depressed. like obv she's pretty #sadcore but also i just get the sense that she gets into these really existential moods and questions the value of life and what it means to die.
  14. dat maha maha tease i really enjoyed this interview though. aside from it being well written imo, the conversation seems interesting. That bit about her relationship with icons kind of explains to me why she's so involved and kind to her fans~
  15. quality of the dropbox link is 256kbps except brooklyn baby which is 320 for anyone interested.
  16. florida kilos tho omg the yayo bits ;_; some1 hold me
  17. http://lanashadesofcool.tumblr.com/post/88483704037/money-power-glory money power glory
  18. friendly reminder to you all that when this bad boy comes out, please keep direct dl links out of threads/statuses~~~
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