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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. Lana quick make 2 more posts about NFR to even out your insta again DO ITTTTTT NOWWWWW
  2. I feel like using songs like roses bloom for you and bartender on a tracklist make it wayyyyyyy too fake sounding. Songs I don’t think will ever see the official light of day.
  3. I support that HIAB is actually the title track train of thought. But yeah obvs that person is full of shite.
  4. It’s the only good song on the album so give sis some help. (I kid....)
  5. Doin Time is nice but I hate it out of unadulterated, unapologetic, undeserved spite.
  6. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RjOUEOBaAgY https://youtu.be/RjOUEOBaAgY Tori Amos- Your Cloud Literally a goddess. This album is so insanely good to me and I love every song, though this one took me FOREVER to get into. The lyrics are stunning though. Edit: I’m an idiot and can’t seem to get those to just be videos right now so whatever
  7. Ah, gotcha. I must’ve missed that bit. In any case I assume at least the book hasn’t been scrapped as it’s just been brought to light in Vogue Italia.
  8. If it’s scrapped and she is just going to pretend it was never a thing THATS where I draw the line. I’d be officially done with her. The disrespect would just be too much. I’ll keep West Coast and Shades of Cool and forget the rest. Wasn’t there an article saying the book comes out NEXT year? She could be so silent because it’s (the album) now coming MUCH later??? She has maintained she wants the book out first. I’d absolutely hate it and not be pleased but it’s a slightly more optimistic take than it’s scrapped. In any case, festivals start soon and she can’t hide from fans with questions then, at least not as easily as now. We deserve answers.
  9. I suppose I’m less concerned with how he feels and more about what he knows, if anything.
  10. Yeah, I truly wish I could force myself to not give a shit about this but for some reason I’ve already dug too deep with this one. It’s fate and my fate are now entwined.
  11. I wish I still had this level of hope (aka delusion, I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be harsh sounding). I remember when it was Norman Rockwell’s birthday I felt so sure she had to mention something considering the album is named after him. Honestly, since MAC and the initial mention of NFR, this whole wait has felt like it’s own lifetime separate from my actual life. At first with those September songs, it was spring. The promise of new music AKA the promise of life and beauty and fun and peace, even if it was peace that lasted just as long as the record was spinning. Then January came and with it, hope. The proverbial summer of our NFR wait. We had bountiful snippets and live-streams of her and jack in the studio. Everything was going beautifully. Then all of a sudden it trailed off, and autumn came. The bounties of summer withered and with it, our hope of paradise. We are now clearly in the dead of winter. There is a stillness but we are not at rest. A bitter cold wind runs through these forums.
  12. I <3 this I get MAC- a soft golden yellow VB- a kind of dusk fusion of evening orange and blue Hope- Black and white like a spotlight through the dark HiaB- lilac Cinnamon- sparkles in the dark In your Car- a rich, deep, golden yellow HtD- grey
  13. Matcha.... is ok. It tastes very much like leaves. Starbucks new matcha lemonade is good but apart from that I just prefer regular hot green tea. Also every time I load pitchfork her Gucci guilty ad is the top thing and it’s like a slap in the face at this point.
  14. Oh I want a post on page 2000! Lemme think of something NFR related real quick..... uhhhh..... maybe supernatural forces have been waiting till we reached this page (the nadir of our suffering) and now cosmic workings have been set in motion that will end with the release of the albums.
  15. Yeah I never said I believed what the person said but I don’t not believe it either. I’ll wait to see if they produce pics. Also I CERTAINLY don’t take Lana saying “You’ll find out honey” as any sign we are getting close to actually finding out.
  16. The person who claims to have met Lana responded to my question about NFR. Apparently they asked about it and cinnamon being released and Lana responded with “You’ll find out honey”. @@RormanNockwell did they confirm the meeting with pics?
  17. I asked the user who posted the story on reddit specifically how she responded to the question about NFR and the poster hasn’t responded yet so we shall see. I am really hoping and praying to every deity ever conceived that all this silence has just been her wanting to take a break for half a year and as soon as festival shows start (i.e. HAVING TO DO WORK AGAIN) everything will start back up.
  18. But did they appropriately read her silence??? Like did she just act like no question was asked or did she say something along the lines of “I can’t say anything about that rn” we need the specifics!!!
  19. I don’t even give a shit about eras I just want the damn record. Go on a break, Lana, I encourage it. Just give me the music and don’t act like new shit gonna come if it’s not.
  20. It’s just... like the opposite of screaming tho??
  21. Hope is stunning and I truly feel bad for those who try and convince people it’s trash. Delusion.
  22. Does Lana have a new album coming out? This is most definitely new information and I’m most definitely not just trying to forget the past 7-8 months and pretend that this is the first I’ve heard of this so this album rollout (lack thereof) doesn’t seem so excruciating and poorly planned. I heard she has a few fresh new tracks as well with surf rock vibezzzz. Can’t wait to check ‘em out for what will absolutely be the first time I’ve heard them!! Hopefully she teases some snippets of new material as well! I wonder what it will all sound like??
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