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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. Omg I stan the track if it’s for Charlie’s angels and tbh that makes the “differentness” of the styles make more sense. Each angel is unique and gifted with her own set of skills. Ari is kind of the Cameron Diaz. Miley is wild Drew Barrymore-esque one. Lana is the sultry yet smart one, the Lucy Liu if you will.
  2. The rapidity with which I lose and gain hope has jumped. I’m runnin’ outta clown make-up, I gotta stock up...
  3. I still think it’d be a CRYING SHAME if she didn’t release or tease or announce something on her birthday//first day of summer//festival kick off weekend. It’d be so stupid not to.
  4. I’m not even that juiced for this but I think all the talk that this might *~disrupt her artistic integrity~* is grating.
  5. Maybe her third insta post is going to be about the collab? I just can’t believe she letting her insta sit there like that. I just don’t see harm in her collabing with these 2. It could be fun. It feels clear to me that she’s doing all these poppier things outside of her own albums so they don’t have to have these super poppy moments on them. Interscope knows she has some pop appeal and maybe it really is her compromise for not having to have this kind of stuff on her album.
  6. Miley and Ari and two of the biggest names in pop culture right now I hardly think it’s a disaster if Lana collabs with them. It’d be a huge boost to her viability these days and we know she loves Ari. Miley is wild but she really does have a lovely voice. I’d be hesitant af if this was supposed to somehow belong on NFR but it seems pretty clear it’s for something else.
  7. Cool can he dig up info on NFR and spill THAT tea? Not this cheap Lipton shit. Jk, I’m actually intrigued. I can hear Lana and Miley together and I can hear Lana and Ari together, but all 3 at once could be weird and fun.
  8. Check their (lolla) insta. They shared the NFR snippet and tagged it “can’t wait to hear it live at the festival” or something like that lmao I’m sure they will be disappointed That has me thinking, all these festivals she’s doing, I wonder if they expected her to have a new album out by now to promote and perform...
  9. Same. It’s simultaneously a nice gesture and torturous. I don’t even think I want another full song from NFR before the album comes out. All the snippets stitched together is enough to constitute 2 or 3 singles. Lol
  10. This collab might be part of the few songs she wanted to put out before NFR. I feel mostly those songs don’t have anything to do with NFR after doin time and now this. I do think that this doesn’t bode well for NFR coming sooner rather than later, though. I just get the feeling we won’t get any NFR news now until this bizarre collab happens. It just sux because it’s impossible for me to get excited for any side stuff until the main course is detailed. Idk about anyone else but like I would have done all of this in opposite order, release the album and then all this side stuff.
  11. I wouldn’t mind a collab with Miley and Ari.... ....as long as it doesn’t make an appearance on my pristine vision that is NFR.
  12. So, like, if a surprise release of the album or a song was to happen this week how early/late would the song(s) be registered? It’s been mentioned before but realistically could it remain hidden until the song was out or would we definitely find it on that song registry site? I think of Beyoncé surprise dropping lemonade and idk if someone could have (or if someone did) look up and see Beyoncé registered 10 new songs before it dropped. I don’t expect anything this amazing to happen, God Hates Fags™️ too much, but I’m still curious.
  13. I don't wanna wait until Friday/Saturday to know if anything is gonna happen. Give us the third insta post Lana dear. I'm hungry for anything.
  14. its funny you mention that because I have the exact opposite reaction to that. I LOVE that the bitch is using proper diction. We love a technically proficient singer. maybe its my choir and vocal lesson background but I appreciate it when a singer actually says the full word and doesnt trail off without the last consonant.
  15. LOL lollastockholm doin the lords work and gonna make her actually have to rehearse and perform a new song
  16. Exactly. Old money is stunning and one of the great songs in her repertoire and it’s lyrics successfully evoke that tragic old Hollywood romance, but that’s because it lists a bunch of stuff that fits that aesthetic. It works very well, like recalling isolated images from a dream or a distant memory but I don’t think it digs as deep as hope. Anyways, the fact that she hasn’t posted a third IG post has brought me back down to reality a bit. I hoped she was going to give us a little more of a teaser over the weekend of something. Something alluding to the fact that something’s coming. The fact that she hasn’t just means we are literally where we’ve always been, just with one extra snippet to add to the collection. I’m not as agitated, though, because the only thing that ever got me down was the nagging bit in my head that was scared it really was scrapped or that it’s been reworked extensively and neither of those thing seem to be the case.
  17. Lana drop the album on your birthday challenge I’m a fickle bitch and my hope is restored. I’m done telling myself I’ll be let down I’ll just live in my deluded ignorant fantasy.
  18. it’s too much. Those two posts a week before her festival circuit and her birthday that just happens to also be the first official day of summer. She wouldn’t possibly give the fans everything we’ve been screaming for and actually finally reveal the details... ...would she?
  19. I kind of agree with the talk of ~artistic development~ while simultaneously thinking it’s all bullshit. You make music you feel and that you’re passionate about and hope others feel passionate about it. If she hasn’t grown in a way you like or if she hasn’t even grown at all, you move on and leave her music to those who aren’t tired of it yet. She hasn’t grown much lyrically that’s true, but why are we just calling this out now, 6 albums in? I’ve always viewed her albums as largely about the same Lana, same problems, but with a different lens. We’ve had pop Lana, rock Lana, now we are getting singer songwriter Lana. I’m stoked because piano is the most superior instrument (totally fact and not just my opinion at all ;p) and I love the vibe she is going for on the songs. I’ve never looked to Lana for her lyrics anyways, her voice just makes me feel lots of beautiful things. I certainly don’t expect she’ll ever start pumping out poetry like Joni and Bobby d. We are also basing most of our discussion on an album we haven’t heard yet so... lol
  20. Ultraviolence has a 74 on Metacritic and honeymoon has a 78, those are both pretty good scores. Where’s the poor critical reception? The only era that wasn’t not at least mildly positive was BTD.
  21. We are all fully jaded at this point lol. I am 100% here for the Lana piano album so I’m not disappointed in the snippets sound AT ALL, it’s already probably one of my favorites. I just can’t get excited for nothing again. Which is probably what is going to follow. We don’t want snippets. We are dying for something real.
  22. Ok Lana tomorrow give us more info thanx. This was nice but I don’t trust you enough anymore. You have recently made me expect the worst, and a snippet is not going to cut it anymore. We want deets. We NEED deets. Don’t fuck it up. I don’t doubt she will disappear for another eternity. At least we know it’s not cancelled I guess.
  23. Ok Lana you served us some HOT fucking tea. Now give us the third insta post with the tracklist, album cover, and release date. Thank you. (It sounds amazing obvi, my hunch that this will b my favorite Lana album is stronger than ever rn)
  24. I’ve never hated someone and loved someone so much at the same time. This bitch. Like, she HAS to know what she is doing. She’s being cheeky and it gives me faith that old Lana isn’t gone. Like, she wouldn’t make an obviously inflammatory post like that if that album wasn’t coming sometime right??? RIGHT??
  25. Not me getting my hopes up again. She’s not gonna post anything good. She’s not gonna post anything good. She’s not gonna post anything good. She’s not gonna post anything good.
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