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Everything posted by GetFree

  1. It’s funny the stark contrast between COCC and BB release in Lanaboards and I guess the fandom in general. Almost everyone for the most part loves Blue Banisters, the concept, songs, themes. COCC was different.. everyone was nitpicking at something different. Lana really did THAT with Blue Banisters, a TOP 3 album in her discography. Exquisite
  2. not really an unpopular opinion
  3. She never came to paint our banisters blue make her account public again
  4. I can’t wait until I finally get used to the old leaked tracks (LL, NotG, and CB) being part of the new record and they seem unified in my head (the album as of now feels a bit disjointed, disconnected because of it, will take some time to adjust). Definitely will be in my top 3 Lana albums, maybe #1 OMG this album is so flawless
  5. GetFree


    SHUT UP Apple Music has shown the wrong lyrics MANY times before. What’s on Apple Music is NOT a confirmation.
  6. Unpopular opinion: I’m so happy she went for the non-strings version of Beautiful, the sparkly piano was very silenced in the strings version and that would’ve been a shame because it’s so.. beautiful.mp3.
  7. I’ve heard Beautiful is piano on physics and strings on digital
  8. It’s a interesting grower, it does sound very disjointed the first listen
  9. I can’t believe how nice this album is. I’m genuinely enjoying it so much, I didn’t felt this way with COCC, unconsciously trying hard to like it. Nothing shook me as hard as the song Chemtrails in this album IMO, but it is consistently a strong album from beginning to end as unlike to the many low points of COCC.
  10. Its obvious IYLDWM is the Cinammon/Tulsa of BB it even has the outro
  11. Arcadia is the white dress of this album, unashamedly vulnerable
  12. Sis she would’ve ripped from YouTube using youtube2mp3 at 32kbps
  13. Can someone explain what this line means IN THE CONTEXT of the lyrics around it Ot: The way I never cared for IYLDWM and it’s becoming my favorite now
  14. “Don’t say.. you’re over me — when they all KNOW that you ain’t….”
  15. I actually think the title Rock Candy Sweet would’ve fit this record well
  16. Black Bathing Suit = Text Book + Venice Bitch outro + Chemtrails outro
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