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Wild One

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Everything posted by Wild One

  1. I sense a track-list coming in the next few days
  2. State of Liberty and Rushmore represent "Architecture" imo. 7 Plantes represents NASA's discover about those 7 earth-like planets (Lana also retweeted that one) - https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/status/834612638654926848 XO is obviously The Weekend (Lust for Life (ft. The Weeknd)" and Chimera is John Lennon's son (According to his obvious IG post).
  3. wowowow! Just watched it! So amazing tbh! It's so future-retro. so excited! Visuals are so fucking great
  4. Hit and Run + Behind Closed Doors for Britney Spears Edit: omg! Just saw me and @ had the same opinion on those 2 songs.. What a coincidence haha.
  5. Wild One

    Dua Lipa

    It all started with Genesis.
  6. Lana absolutely is no talented in promo. She should hire someone to do that shit for her asap.
  7. Components: Unflattering photo of Trump (small); see below for one you can print Tower tarot card (from any deck) Tiny stub of an orange candle (cheap via Amazon) Pin or small nail (to inscribe candle) White candle (any size), representing the element of Fire Small bowl of water, representing elemental Water Small bowl of salt, representing elemental Earth Feather (any), representing the element of Air Matches or lighter Ashtray or dish of sand
  8. I said she will? Read the whole sentence next time. "Well she did that last week. I personally don't think she will cause it's too fast to release a new song when only 6 days has passed from the lead single release."
  9. but she did that. it doesn't matter what the reason is.
  10. Well she did that last week. I personally don't think she will cause it's too fast to release a new song when only 6 days has passed from the lead single release.
  11. https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/status/834964849264205825
  12. First, the spell occurs in 22 hours (PST time). Second, She's making the letter "b" in sign language which that why she wrote: "Ingredients can b found online" to hint us. She probably just teasing the album name slowly or something. Nothing to get excited for in particular.
  13. cause the second prechorus contains electric piano (in video version) only whilst the single version contains the epic strings.
  14. That's why she maybe posted that tweet? lmao https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/status/824921561442299904
  15. Nah for me it's not that similar. I love that song, I listen to it in a daily basis.
  16. SpaceX and Telsa era has started.
  17. I think the colors red and blue just associated HM for you unconsciously so if it wasn't the cover, you wouldn't assosicate these colors with the album.
  18. But why bashing HM too? It's not sending anyone to coma, trust me. Every album has its own cons but stop comparing them and bashing others to glorify your own favorite album. (directed to anyone on this forum.)
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