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Everything posted by SwayTokyo

  1. MAC is great. I really feel like she's grown so much - it's wonderful to see.
  2. banned for too suggestive a gif in your sig to be looping on my work computer
  3. Love? I think there was one point where I really liked it but I have literally not listened to it in ages. For all intents and purposes, LFL starts with LFL when I listen to it.
  4. I love looking back at the earlier pages in this thread and seeing all the people craving for the songs that ended up being "eh" "Big Bad Wolf" "Roses" But then there are the gems that we did get that really made our lives that much better. OTTR demo, Greenwich, Hawaiian Tropic
  5. I found Katy Perry's inspiration for Bon Appetit.
  6. I'm going to the Honolulu show, flying out from Tokyo! Less than a month away now!! See whoever wins this if they are Gold VIP as well
  7. Honolulu show is almost sold out, but the venue only holds 2,400 people.
  8. I was debating whether or not to do Gold or Silver because Silver I know I’d be right up close to the stage but the trade off would be I would have to camp out. I’m happy to have gone with Gold and gotten a reserved seat because I’m still going to be something like 100 ft away from her in the first row of non-GA seating. Plus I will not have to camp out and I will get to enjoy my vacation leading up to seeing Lana. I’ll be paying like $700 to go to Hawaii tho
  9. I got tickets to see her at the Waikiki Bowl in Honolulu!!! Gold VIP, sitting in the first row just off center. So, so excited, and the venue is very cute and intimate! Not an arena. It will be my first time to Hawaii as well! Ahh!
  10. This is the venue for Honolulu. Where do you guys think Gold VIP would be?
  11. I’m confused. What are the perks of the gold VIP? And if I got the gold VIP where could I expect to be standing/sitting? Going to the Honolulu show.
  12. Is ticketmaster the only site you can buy tickets at?
  13. I'll be making it out to the Honolulu show, flying out . Will be getting the highest tier VIP. Flying out of Tokyo on Tuesday the 27th. Who wants to come with?
  14. Shit. I just realized that now that Lana's confirmed that the missile is a missile and not a space shuttle or something, Get Free's lyrics become really dark. "Who never got to fly at night/cuz they were caught up in the dance" is literally about the people who died without realizing happiness - and paired with the music video, they died in war - which is a recurring theme throughout the album.
  15. Meanwhile I'm just over here praying that I'm riding the subway whenever they actually do try to send a missile to hit us. I'd most likely be able to make it underground if I was at home and got the alarm (like I did this morning), but if I was at work and the missile landed in central Tokyo I'd be dead
  16. AKA - I see it as a road trip from the rural american south, where confederate flags wave along side US flags, making its way out West BTD - The end of summer in New York PD - The countryside up north UV - A nondescript city in California at night HM - Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama summer LFL - The beach in the summer along the California (or Florida) coast
  17. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/8956-index-magazine-full/
  18. Afraid and Backfire back to back are pretty cry-worthy.
  19. I'm thinking of making a post dissecting Get Free. I know, I know, people are saying it's overrated but there will always be people with shitty opinions.
  20. That's because the iTunes performance was professionally recorded. I'm really hoping that she does some more professionally recorded lives.
  21. They are crazy illegal over here. Marijuana is prosecuted at the same severity as meth. That doesn't mean addicts and people who want to do shit won't find a way to do it.
  22. Yeah, whenever you hear of a celebrity that's gotten busted for something, it's always meth. Recently the police have really cracked down on it and it's become much harder to get, thankfully. All I know who are doing it regularly/somewhat regularly have regular office jobs sans one, who works in nightclubs. Outside of when they're high off of meth, they're all really normal and well put together. You would never ever suspect...!
  23. Meth is a huge problem here in Japan - you wouldn't be able to tell by the people that do it. Unfortunately that includes many of my friends, some who are doing it weekly for years now, and some of them have the best skin that I am jealous. So while it "can foster cell aging and death" that doesn't mean that you use it somewhat regularly and you're immediately looking like a corpse.
  24. What? Yes, extensive use for multiple years can really fuck your face up, but occasional usage (once every two weeks, once a month) would not do anything noticeable. I doubt Lizzy was using meth on a daily or even weekly level, and if she was, she definitely wasn't doing it for very long.
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