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Everything posted by Kommando

  1. I thought we were all being so campy to entertain ourselves but like really, it's not that tragic if she didn't stream tonight or whatever, like I don't think it would have been a career defining moment anyway. Now let's just wait a bit more knowing that it is coming soon.
  2. Honestly she should get a job, she's not meant for this kind of life
  3. When when are 98 and dying, what will we think of all of this, looking back ? Homosexuality truly is the disease
  4. That was so rude of her to trash Dazzle Toothpaste's name when she in fact is the real scam
  5. all of us perched so late because we're fags really, thats dreadful
  6. apparently he was banned for being rude ? Shocking I know, unexpected, surprising, unimaginable
  7. So sad that our knoxavel girl isn't there anymore to spice it up a bit with ha sasssinessSs & Drama, yas mama
  8. She probably overdosed on xanax and is now lying dead in some Brandy Melville changing room
  9. I feel like it needs Flipside (and Black Beauty too) after TOW to tell the whole story, to me the narrative feels complete this way. I think it's just her most brutally honest work. It's so obvious how she is aware that her cheesy references and highschool worthy self dramatization are vain, on tracks like Brooklyn Baby where she's being really deceptive and ironic (and in ITH where she's literaly mocking Barrie, who thinks he's Hunter Thompson, the same way critics do with her). Yet these are everywhere, from accolades to underground jazz movies to 60s hippie romance. They are the lens which she filters the world through to sustain her existence. I think it's really comparable to A streetcar named desire in fact, she's like Blanche, who needs to romanticize her life through awkward quotations and manierism in hope that they will transform her otherwise repetitive, gloomy and plagued life. Because from Cruel World to Flipside, it all feels like a loop : all these nameless male characters who come and go, her attachement to the past, her inability to come through, her bipolar shifts between an aggressive, almost wicked attitude (Cruel World, Sad Girl...) to utter despair (Old Money, The Other Woman)... As if she was stuck, unable to communicate, to keep sane, to escape this dreary life without resorting to useless romanticisms or "going wild" (which, we all know from the lizzy grant & may jailer works, usually ends up really bad for her). So yeah to me it's like her resignation to this confusion, this morbid fatality. Which is also interesting because Honeymoon is slighty more hopeful, and I think the next record will narrate how she overcomes it all. There's also this dialogue between her and her fame, her career... That she had since BTD but it's harder to decipher. Joy of music too. Popmatters' analysis is really interesting too u should check it out
  10. I get this feeling of like, idk, spiritual transcendance (lmao) that I always feel when I listen to great music. It's like she looked deep down in herself and she put her finger on that special spot, that special something. Although I do believe Lizzy was much more honest about it - but Lana is a more raffiné musician, so I guess it makes up for it
  11. Why is Chuck dressed like it's winter in russia ? Aesthetic queen
  12. She is litteraly leaving.a.gas.station. what is she supposed to do, breakdance in the middle of the avenue ? Other than that her skin looks so good, God himself moisturizes her face every morning
  13. So there are people in this world who actually are productive looks Nice ! (put me in a movie )
  14. If joshy is K then she's been with him for a long time, 'cause for k part 1 is 2005-06 stuff f I'm not mistaken
  15. Lana del Dreams I dreamed of her once actually. I have these recurrent dreams about me and some random people who are supposed to be my friends going wild at night in Paris - it's kind of strange version of the capital, it's all red black and urban, very lynchian and stuff, crowded like a giant party with all kind of people : hippies, hip hop fans, junkies, cowboys etc. It's always messy and blurry. And once we were out of a huge casino which looked like the Galeries Lafayette and was basically a giant strip club. So we're on the sidewalk and it's full of people, all laughing and falling because we're all drunk. And suddendly I hear Lana's sardonic laugh that she has sometimes when she loses it, and I turn back : she's there, kind of a mix of her Lizzy look with the blue ferrari jacket she sported once in 2011/2012 & a cap. She's with guy friends, they're all very loud and she has to lean a bit on them alternatively because they're obviously intoxicated, and she's kind of restless. She's got this high pitched excited american girl voice, they all have strong accents actually, and she looks freaking young. And my friends and I are led by this cowboy guy, maybe a performer from the club, and he just comes straight to Lana's back and grabs her by her shoulders. When she turns around and sees him, she surprisingly recognizes him & goes "AW FRANKIE !" and hugs him. We all start kind of talking and partying in our corner of the street. She offers Davidoff cigarettes to everyone and she's very aware of how charismatic and drunk she is - I do think that's how she was in her wilder days actually. Then I don't remember, I just know we all get in the tube and I can't remember a thing. It was very striking just how much she stoud out of the crowd, she had this passive-aggressive attitude but was also very sweet and had like a shiny aura, maybe because of the hair.
  16. Eliminate : Mermaid Motel, Raise me Up Immunity : Oh Say Can You See
  17. They got this snooty private school vibe about them lmao ; she's so effortlessly cute
  18. This book is so cringe lmao, but it it's fun nonetheless ! I also had completely forgotten this tragic Zachary guy - Is he in jail, facing thirty years now ?
  19. TRASH MAGIC "He said, "Lana Rey, will you serve me lemonade?" I said, "Yes Bill, I will, it's the day of the parade" And you look even more handsome than you did the day that I left you" How do you spend your nights, honey, still watching TV? I long to be in your arms, honey Come back to me, please" This is just so funny and clever DISCO "Icon young star heroin fiend Just sit n' I'll sing I'll be yr queen You know how I like that celebrity type poor me I am my only god I am my only god I am my only god now" OH SAY CAN YOU SEE "The sway of the hips and arms Will cradle you from afar They swing till you're tired and send you to Mars Night time is almost ours" This verse is like, definitive, tell-all, everything you need & want it to be
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