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Everything posted by Kommando

  1. PREACH, I also love the acoustic demo, because you can hear her lovely & weird guitar playing style
  2. I used to really don't care about it because I think that after HBTB the songs' quality is dropping so bad, but I love the first 6 songs now. Even tho they could have polish them a lot more, they exalt such a dreamy quality, the way they produced her vocals and the layering of sounds... Lana really nailed psychedelia with this one and I hope she keeps this element in her future records coz it fits her.
  3. Who's that gurl with her ? Her new bestie ? Look like she's that "mysterious man" from a few days ago what's up with that
  4. Kommando

    Book Thread!

    The Room by Hubert Selby Jr, so manic and tantric
  5. Kommando

    Lady Gaga

    I can't believe they did the pitched bridge thing, she really needs to let the 80s die production is interesting especially towards the end but certainly not the quality level you'd expect from Mark Ronson, and its too bad that the chorus litteraly sounds like a pre-chorus
  6. Queen of H&M I love how she always keeps her makeup as simple & natural as her outfits cause she uses tinted moisturizers I believe, so even with a bit of eye makeup and stuff on the lips she looks so fresh ​
  7. In my cringe tumblr emo gay years around Paradise, I used to relate to her as a goal that I wanted to achieve, like I've done with many artists that I loved through the years : being sucessful in what you love doing the most, and just finding yourself, knowing yourself, finding out what's good for you, keeping a vision, a joy for life, a will. But now I actually relate to Lizzy a lot more, maybe because I'm getting around her age and I'm in college, so I kind of share her more pseudo connoiseur and intelectual views on music, art... I have that growing interest in existential problematics, science and physics, I'm learning guitar & trumpet, trying to get healthy from substances, to make the most of everyday etc. Also being honestly in love with kitsch aesthetic and 50s movie unlike me trying to pretend I was so into it when I was 15 ; having your own aesthetical world. I think her life has such a dramatic narrative (or at least she's always been very smart in the way she presented it), it's easy for anyone to identify with at least a passage of her past, which is maybe why she's got such a varied range of fans who love different moments of her career. But most important to me, she expresses in her music, her interviews, idk, this feeling that I've rarely felt in music, wether it is pop or obscure art rock acts or anything : this feeling of trying everything, being everywhere, having this great vision for yourself, succeeding, failing, etc... And always colapsing, relapsing into a miserable state. She's stated multiple times how she changed her mind so many times, done a lot of different things (local indie singer, college student, alcoholism, living in London, trying pop sounds, just living life with no ambition, being famous...) and how at the end of the day she just can't sustain anything, any feeling of stability, of achievement in a way. She always ends up depressed or lonely or bored or moody. And how she still tries to make something out of herself, to find happiness even if her drive is lost. I think this part of why, in a more unconscious way, she's been so succesful and she still has people buying her records and coming to her shows ; this feeling is so honest in her songs, in her records' structures... Nobody does that, even less in pop, it's absolutely terrifying and grand at the same time.
  8. I would love it if her backup dancers/singers would harmonize with her like the studio version. I just can't understand why they don't, it takes a lot away from the charm of the song.
  9. Apart from the fillers she obviously abuses on and off, which is a weird pattern btw, what might cause these variations in the volume of her face and weight in general is that she may be on some kind of antidepressants, at least for a few months at a time. Even the most up-to-date ones still mess up with your weight and have a tendency to bloat parts of your body like your face. This has been suggested so many times in the last 3 years but the way her looks have a tendency to change so quickly and to look quite off on occasions... Idk something's weird.
  10. The cringe ! It's always interesting to check out obscure theories/conspiracies anyway, they always tell you something important about the societies they emerge in. This obsession for MK mind slaves, illuminatis... Just illustrates how frustrated we are with our public figures, who all behave the same, are so superficial and fake, inane, just like, well, mind slaves or puppets ; which they probably are, even unconsciously maybe, but to some more down to earth agendas which in a way we all take part in : capitalism, corporatism, moral values etc.
  11. The only thing that kinda bugs me is the dancing girls not harmonizing during Honeymoon, like ???
  12. She skipped Freak for Serial Killer cause she knows the crowd is STANNING ​
  13. Lizzie Grant was alternative/indie, not Lana Del Rey lmao, and her having these weird 70s girl band dancers while singing songs like Lolita is edgier than any Ashley Frangipaned stuff out there rn
  14. They're Bruce Springsteen stans, they don't have time for Lana, they could die any minute now. It's so bad since it's the first time she's putting out this new show, but it was great anyway, hope she keeps it.
  15. "Guitare player with long hair 70s look" the CRINGE, I love her
  16. I hope this still exists somewhere so the gays can leak it before I die
  17. I think she talked about Fleur when UV came out, at least she said a couple of times that she's interested in mediums. Even for Lana that's just weird af tho, she used to be so finicky about her whole image, and now she's just posting random ugly ads for mediums.
  18. Did lana del gays even notice lmao
  19. I know this guy he's a french average twink, lmao the dedication, going to Poland to take pictures with mama. That was meh, where's the band, what's that setlist ?? Ah least she's serving looks and vocals. But she looks so over it. ON THE OTHER HAND YAYO IS COMING DJDKZL'A
  20. Yes !! This is the definiton of a banger They have the best party songs I swear
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