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Everything posted by Kommando

  1. Low-key crying because I know that GKIT and Religion won't be about Lana doing something else than love songs and discussing her relationship with the Lord, but stuff like "God know I tried not to be a bad girl" or something like that
  2. so if MTWBT is realeased tomorrow, they might upload the audio/video on her vevo soon, like they did with the HM sampler and the HBTB vid ?
  3. The MTWBT lyrics actually read like 2 different songs : I like you a lot So I'll do what you want We're ribbons on ice Cause I like you a lot and ​ Puttin on music while I'm watching the boys Singing soft grunge just to soak up the noise Playing the guitars like one of my toys No holds barred I was sent to destroy ​
  4. the electric guitar starting at the end of the second Freak snippet
  5. The 3 tracks so far + 2 snippets are so HYPNOTIC, may jailer serving album for our summer afternoons on acid
  6. MTWBT magnum opus bookmarked, here for this stoner anthem to watch shirtless guys to on the beach
  7. Maybe it's just the intro tho, like supposedly there's a fuckin army of instruments on it
  8. I think it might have a very Pet Sounds vibe to it, with all the instruments (flute + percussions) and the 60s throwback title
  9. wtf TOW is so great, it was the biggest surprise on the whole record for me​, such beautiful guitars and her voice was very heartfelt while playful with these crooner-like falsetos. She really did make something of the song.
  10. And the music press will be all over them + Duran Duran are gonna be really appealing to the bearded hipsters pitchfork readers in their 20s-40s market so...
  11. I'm not here for promo tbh, i'm happy with her being a niche act, and the account + hotline are for fans really. I just thought it was cute and spot on since she doesn't really like to get in touch with the press and all that stuff. It's the perfect mean for her to give out all that she wants to, when whe wants, to the people who are interested, while keeping her ldr mÿstierius image. I just don't get why she's giving up on some of her ideas, it's kind of incoherent and kills the excitment. She's still having these pop star moments with magazines cover etc while claiming that she wants to be left alone, so I don't know what's her idea on that.
  12. this time around she even "has" the honeymoon account and the hotline, i don't understand
  13. The lenght of the tracks here and on itunes are different, on the later they're more "uniform", maybe it does confirm that this will be a gapless record ?
  14. love everything I read here. I guess pre-BTD material would be interesting to study, though I don't think it is as spiritually infused as some of her later work, and I'm only familiar with AKA and her accoustic stuff. I'm not educated enough to develop on the whole soul/ego reccurent theme, but I think it has always been, in some degree, present in her work. Romantic relationships weren't used as metaphors like her more recent work : the whole thing seems to be more focused on establishing her identity and values, as well as her relationship with the inner and the outside, which lead up to this "inner world" she's talking about, ther relationship with God. I guess it also created a new form of dialogue between her and her men, which put the emphasis on their relations and the "ego/soul" discussion, whereas in her oldest songs, especially in AKA, love affairs seemed to be more of a platform for her to express images and visions of herself, name-dropping even more cultural references, guys disappearing behind stereotypical images. Her interest in time (proeminent, as she's about to release a song based on Burnt Norton), is also visible in Lana's first works : the profusion of names, references to places, people, countries, the abundance of nicknames she gives to her characters and to herself, the collisions between autobiographical and completly fictionnal events or feelings... and not to mention the numerous musical influences on the record from psyche americana to some electro beats on "Brite Lites", create this "time free" haze. Nothing and everything is true and a fiction at the same time, frozen in a mix of movement and stillness ; always possibilities, dreams, juxtaposed to real thoughts and stories. Even AKA's title, while being what it is for artistic and commercial motives, is another proof of the abstract notion that is Lizzy's self in the record. This is the place where her music got really soulful, with her experience of deeply emotional or even religious-like snapshots, like in "Oh Say Can You See" or obviously in "Pawn Shop Blues" and "Disco", where she tries to establish her relationship with God. At the end of the whole discussion, she comes up with her prime ideas about herself and the world, which she uses now in her new records. Some of her main musical inspirations, especially Cat Power in her early days, share this spiritual quality in their songs and imagery, but I think she also creates, kind of consciously, the strongest oxymoronic pact (idk how to translate it properly in English, but it's basically autofiction) that I came across in modern popular music, sending mixed messages about her songs not being that serious and deep while making 10mn long "autobiographical" videos about her ambigious past using cultural and biblical references. It enhances the cult quality that's part of her image as a pop music figure, and ends up being another bit of her ethearal personnality.
  15. Some people seem to think that it's about Barrie. Does that mean that he's a fag ? I always found Barrie to be such a total fag. Like you know there's this man called Terrence that's in love with Barrie, so Lana Rey is real sad. Maybe he left her for Terrence or maybe he met him after the break up. lana Rey Del Mar is nostalgic about their relationship and their mistakes, but she doesn't blame Terrence for that : she's even sweet and submissive about it. Tho it means they can never go back together, she acceptes it with this kind of happy/sad daydream memory. Yass queen give us those west coast jazz chet Baker infused torch songs about fags.
  16. I like it, but they need to mix her songs a lot better : production is real good, a lot of stuff is happening, but you can't hear a thing behind her moans and these loudass cheesy pianos. And everything is so, idk, shy and unfinished : the inaudible sax lasts for 2 seconds, song structure is the same as honeymoon... She should push her ideas to full realization, i mean it's as jazzy as ICF is. Still it's beautiful but not exciting for the moment.
  17. Omg Andy Davis Ready for this hypnotic extended album version of HBTB Not ready at all for this cover art
  18. "Terrence loves you" is a beautiful title wtf, sure it doesn't sound like the song is gonna be a prinçéss of pop bop who'll reach top 7 on bb200, but at least she put a VERB in a song title for once, and it sounds so sweet
  19. It's just MAGNIFICIENT but gosh the whole thing is even more sleepwalking than UV videos
  20. She basically took Lollipop's instrumental I hate it, it sounds so ridiculous, like this 1997 distorded vocals wtf lana
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