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Thunder Revenant

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Everything posted by Thunder Revenant

  1. King Hannah is a Liverpool based group formed in 2017, consisting of Hannah Merrick and Craig Whittle. Their musical style, which has been compared to artists like PJ Harvey, Red House Painters, Kurt Vile and Mazzy Star, can be described as a mixture of americana and shoegaze. King Hannah go for a gritty, cinematic soundscape which they contrast with tongue-in-cheek-lyrics that center around mundane topics and thoughts and walk the thin line between unease and playfulness. It's centered mostly around electric guitar riffs and leadsinger Hannah's mesmerizing vocals. "Craig formed King Hannah before Hannah knew anything about it. He had seen her performing years before, but they didn't meet until she was assigned to show him the ropes at the bar job they'd both taken on to get by while still making music. He immediately pestered her to play some music with him, and they started a routine, spending the hours before work at Craig's house, where for a long time Hannah could not pluck up the courage to play him her own music. "That went on for a year," said Hannah, while Craig just waited patiently for her to play. When they finally got to writing their own songs together, everything clicked into place. "It's just about finding the right people. When I go to Craig with some chords and lyrics, he just gets it," says Hannah. "If we hadn't found each other, I don't know where we would be," says Craig." - Official Bio by City Slang The duo's first single "Crème Brûlée" came out in 2020, followed by the slightly experimental EP "Tell Me Your Mind And I'll Tell You Mine" in 2021. Their debut album "I'm Not Sorry, I Was Just Being Me" will be out on February 25th. Loud and Quiet on "I'm Not Sorry, I Was Just Being Me": "As debuts go, the band have struck a balance between presenting a raw portrait of themselves through a relatable appreciation for solitude (“I like being on my own most of the day,” Merrick reveals on the title track) and earnest concerns of the future (“I wanna be a mother one day / something tells me… Oh that I’ll be waiting a long, long time”) whilst maintaining some mystique, leaving the listener wanting to know more about them." The label's album preview talks about "the duo’s arrangements grittier qualities sometimes associated with PJ Harvey’s early recordings, or elsewhere with Portishead, whether their first two album’s alchemy of vintage sounds or their later, more abrasive work. There are, for instance, inspired, unexpected echoes of Dummy’s ‘Biscuit’ in ‘Foolius Caesar’ and Third’s ‘We Carry On’ in ‘Big Big Baby’s menacing climax. Merrick’s voice, meanwhile, smoulders, blending Beth Gibbons’ vulnerability with Nico’s mystery and Hope Sandoval’s sophistication, finding poetry in the prosaic as she sets torch songs alight."
  2. Last year had some nice releases, but apart from Balthazar's "Sand" nothing REALLY blew me away for good. This year looks promising with a lot of great debuts/ comebacks from smaller artists though I'm most excited about King Hannah's first album "I'm not sorry, I was just being me". I only recently discovered them and totally fell in love with their music. The sexy rasp voice that is reminiscing of Lana and Elysian Fields combined with the raw e-guitar and drums dominated music ... I feel like this is what I' LOVE Lana to do at some point. So far they released an EP and some great singles. Album will be due on Feb 26th. Up second is NoSo, a "freshaman" band from LA with Korean roots. Their singles so far sound pretty nice, it's sort of a retro-synth-indie-pop vibe. They said there debut will be out later that year, but it has not been announced with a name or date. MIYNT, my favourite small-alternative-artist ever, also hinted that she would release an album this year. Supposed lead single "Station Station" has a slightly desert-y vibe, which I dig a lot. Another project that foreshadowed their first LP later that year is the so-called "supergroup" The Smile, which is built around members of Radiohead and Sons of Kemets. And then there is Widowspeak with their sixth album "The Jacket" on the horizon. It will be out on March 11th. As always their music sounds extremely atmospheric with the lead singers soft voice perfectly complimenting the lush and airy instrumentals with a few raw guitar strings plugging in then and now.
  3. I want her to do the record we all believed we would get with FROOT. Popish, 80sesque, colorful retro-disco music.
  4. The song is nice, but vocal collaborations between Lana and Nikki will always end up wigth Nikkis voice completely overpowering Lana's input. I know she sulked about how she wants it to be that way. It's still a big shame. Nikki has a great voice, but if Lana's in there, it would be nice to actually hear her
  5. Haha who can blame her though.
  6. You guys are so annoying. First you hype the snippet up like it's the second coming of West Coast, and now you trash it cause it's not 100% what you thought it should be. This is a cute, well crafted little song. The passion in her vocals and the instrumental have the vibe of a distorted Wait For Life. We are lucky to get that much "fire" from her again after stuff like CoCC. She's just releasing it for a soundtrack anyway, so it's a nice to have and there is literally NO reason to moan about it
  7. Love those new songs. It's such a shame it's just gonna be an EP and not a full album
  8. Thunder Revenant


    God this is so forgetable and basic. We had this kind of music a 1000 times before. What's the big deal?
  9. Why do we think it'll get a cover? It'll just have an Euphoria promo pic. Just like Season Of The Witch, Big Eyes or Once Upon A Dream.
  10. how ? it's a teaser but nothing more. We shouldn't get greedy here, we already get one seemingly great track out of this. And if it's not a LIB situation, it'll even be her most promoted release in a while
  11. It will probably have no original coverart but something related to the current Euphoria visuals, just like OUAD and SOTW
  12. That song gets more promo by both her and her team than the entirety of CoCC and BB
  13. Song length and song quality do not necessarily correlate. Cherry is barelly 3 minutes long but it slaps hard while LMLYLAW has 3,45 and feels like a drag
  14. Watch this be an Age of Adaline moment where we never get the song until it leaks in 2032
  15. Y'all need a temporary ban. I know Covid makes it hard, but just go outside, touch some grass, pet a dog ... This is getting pathetic
  16. Hm, they both have similarities concerming the slightly distorted guitars and soundeffects. Both have pretty dominant percussion and Lana uses her more breezy voice on them. Also both songs have a structure that wraps around meandering melodies and sudden changes
  17. Ok but now we're getting off rails, NFR is great but had one of her most annoying pre-release eras. Especially the snippet stuff
  18. What is the drama? lfl kept pushing this obviously fake insider persona thing, sometimes as some sort of tongue-in-cheek-joke, sometimes actually trying to come across as a legit source of information. No matter whether you think it was funny or annoying, they decided to keep up the act and even double down on it recently. Now it finally backfired. That's how these things go, it's the risk you calculate with as a troll Noone to blame for it but themselves
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