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Thunder Revenant

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Everything posted by Thunder Revenant

  1. I'd LOVE an anniversary deluxe that features the songs & demos she actually "pushed" quite a lot before the final album was dropped. Like - the demos for Lolita, Radio, National Anthem and Diet Mountain Dew as well as You Can Be The Boss and Kinda Outta Luck.
  2. My french is not good at all, but I still LOVE this. So ... pretty swiss german is sooo cute. However, I don't think you can translate Chemtrails to Kondenzstreifen, because Chemtrails are some sort of conspirancy theory and not about the actual thign
  3. Geboren um zu sterben Paradies Ultragewalt Flitterwochen Lust aufs Leben Norman Sche*ße Rockwell! Chemtrails über dem Country Club Blaue Treppengeländer Ugh, all of them sound either terrible corny or just ... terrible.
  4. Ugh, none of this improved the album tbh. Happy Loner is a letdown, Pink Convertible was overrated from the start and Free Woman is as bad as to be expected. The VFT demo is okay but not really special in any way. The ADIAML demo made me like the song less.
  5. I don't want anything extra. i just want well planned releases and fully fleshed out albums. Thanks
  6. Really excited for this. I always liked FJM songwriting, but was never a big fan of his vocals. Considering how they seemingly have a lot of artistic chemistry, this could end up as something great
  7. True, I love both of those, however at this point I feel like anything she'll do with her family will be bottom-of-the-barrel like the videos for Bartender or Blue Banisters or the selfie sh*t for Text Book and LMLYLAW
  8. If it's similar to CoCc in any way, I don't want it
  9. After all the shit I had to take when y'all suddendly decided you loved the CoCC cocer , defended her reckless driving and mask-fiasco and sttacked me for bringing so.e common sense to the table I think I deserve sonething. Gimnme that rudest member of the year award!
  10. 1. Honeymoon Although it took me some time to warm up to, this is and probably will always be my favourite album by her. There is something so ~mature about it, yet the OG Lana-magic is still pretty strong. The production, the vocals, the song structures - everything is just so on point with this one. 2. Norman Fucking Rockwell! I love that late-summer vibe of this album. It's easy to listen to, yet also includes a lot of artistically interesting moments. A perfect blend of her strengths as a songwriter and her more melody/atmosphere focussed work. 3. Ultraviolence Artistically, this one is definitly her most impressive work. She really outdid herself with it. The raw emotion, the dark yet summery undertones, the low-fi, rock-esque production ... I kinda overplayed that album a bit though and only listen to it on special occasions, which is why it only makes it to spot number 3. 4. Blue Banisters I love the overall sound and atmosphere of this album. It's very solid and well crafted. It's not an album that aims for big highlights, but that's ok. It's just so consistently good and lovely to listen through while also being artistically ambitious. 5. Paradise It's a beautiful piece of art. All the songs have a lot of grandeur, giving her OG LDR-essence a more serious twist with the orchestral soundscape. However, I hyped this EP SOOO hard that it's almost physically connected to my late teenage-years and I kinda can't listen to it without that association. 6. Born To Die This is just iconic. However, I only rarely listen to it anymore, mainly because of the same reasons as with Paradise. Both me, my taste in music and Lana as an artist have changed so much since then and I can almost only listen to BTD in a sorta sentimental way. 7. Lust For Life The album as a whole is a trainwreck. It's so incoherent it hurts and there are so many obvious second-thought-decisions, last minute changes and different art directions on it that I never feel the need to listen to it as a full thing. However, there are a lot of my favourite LDR tracks on this, so many wonderful and timeless songs. And even many of the weaker songs are very well crafted. Even though there are some obvious lows, you can tell a lot of passion went into making this record. . . . . . . . 8. Chemtrails over the Country Club This is just such a bleak experience. Even the stronger tracks feel muffled down. The second half of the album really sucks every piece of energy out of that album and the few times I listened to it, I felt exhausted afterwards. It's not that there is anything terribly bad about any of those songs, but that's mainly because all of them feel half-assed, same-ish and unfinished anyway. Unlike LFL, there is no sign of passion or inspiration on it. Like the album cover it's a lackluster project that showcases what happens if you get too caught up in your comfort zone.
  11. Can y'all stop glorifying the selfie? We're lucky we broke that doom loop with the flawless Blue Banisters cover, if we get another phone-cam artwork for the next album I know whom to blame!
  12. Lol u actually came back to double down on this after getting warned. Bye
  13. Nothing about that album is bombastic though
  14. WTF is wrong with you. First of all, this is not an "expression" you should be throwing around like that Mr. Edgelord. Especially not, if you are obviously not at all getting what I was saying. A bit less meth and a bit more humility would really benefit you I guess
  15. I mean - as if the fabrics for fancy shmancy designer robes other stars wore on that event were necessarily fairtrade just because they are overpriced as hell. You pay for the designers name and your own ego, not because it's a fairtrade-locally produced product or a good-looking one.
  16. There's a thin line between respectfully offering condolences and shamelessly sticking one's nose into other peoples private life and so many of the comments under Rob's post conpletely cross it
  17. Yes! Hover, I hope that it would not be a straightforward cover over a minimalistic backdrop, but that she'd add some unique twist to it, since the song in itself is already pretty "Lana-ish" Something that would make it her version of the track, and not just "Lana Del Rey singing Billie Holiday's I'll Be Seeing You"
  18. I really hope she does some Billie Holiday. There have been so many great takes on those tracks and I could see Lana setting another milestone for that legacy
  19. As someone who does not like either very much, this is mypersonal reason for saying this: CoCC is more coherent and its "lows" aren't as low as the ones on LFL. However that "coherent" soundscape is a pretty bleak and dull one. The "highs" can't really compete with any of the strong cuts from other albums. I remember how I listened to the title track on spotify when it came out and the algorithm played MAC right after, which COMPLETELY overshadowed it, although it's not even one of my favourite Lana-songs. Each of CoCC's better songs relies on basically one interesting element - the raspy vocals on White Dress, the BtD reminiscence of the title track, the sultry undertones of TJF - but all of those are barelly strong enough to carry through the whole track. Each song instantly reveals where their quality lies, but after the first chorus is over, the thrill is pretty much gone and there is'nt anything happening to keep the listeners attention/interest for the rest of the track's runtime. LFL has some of her most fun and exciting tracks, its highs are much higher and even though the album as a whole may be incoherent as fuck, most of the songs - even the weaker one - feel fully fleshed out and carefully put together.
  20. Ugh I recently considered getting into her stuff cause I really like her overall sound but then I heard the homophpbic shaming on "Man's Man" and ... eeew. That's really not it
  21. And now that's exactly what she does on Instagram rn - I can't.
  22. Ok, so the core problem about ADIAML is that everything - the singles, the visuals, it's (allegedly) overall topic - SCREAMS motion, exciting production, fast tracks, lyrics about sociopolitics. But then halfway through, it just turns into a bunch of "the usual Marina business" ballads about breakups and self-acceptance. It's not that the songs are bad, it's just that they feel out of place on an album that put all of it's focus on 5 tracks that are not representative of the experience you get when listening to it. And now she's doubling down on that with the deluxe tracks. Happy Loner is a cute song, but it's basically Solitaire 2.0. with more on-the-nose-lyrics and does nothing to compliment the album. It's just another (solid) track for the long-tail. Kinda disappointing. Apart from that - were her "relateable" lyrics always that cringy? I'm not sure whether her songwriting changed or if it's just about me not being in my teens anymore but edgy-tkes like "Waking up late, I feel demotivated, everything's wrong, guess my thoughts escalated. When I'm alone, things are under control, when I'm alone, I can turn off the world. I try to escape, but I can't lose my mind- that's why I can live a cOnVenTiOnAl LiFe" or "They don't understand, why I like being alone. I don't wanna be so accessible, emotionally I'm on the edge of a knife. That's how I learn, that's how I learn to SURVIVE!!11!1!" are just so f*cking pretentious and cringeworthy. It's the song equivalent to people who constantly share "introverts are like this"-memes on social media, acting like preferring to stay inside and read instead of going to a party makes them some sort of special, unique and mysterious person.
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