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AKA Lizzy Grant

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Everything posted by AKA Lizzy Grant

  1. I REALLY want her to play theaters again hollywood forever would be a perfect venue for ha to play again
  2. Lana isn't forced to do anything by her label or management tho. Sia probably is forced to promo
  3. honestly, i wouldnt be surprised if laser disc videos made a comeback...they're basically huge cd's though that are double sided
  4. Can you please pm me a link to this
  5. I just listened to Talk Me Down last night for the first time and immediately thought Emile Haynie produced it and i just looked at the credits and he did. It has the iconic live show talking in the background
  6. Looove the album. Could've done without the excessive features, though
  7. PM me (don't quote me and clutter the thread please) if you want the blue neighborhood leak in i+
  8. AKA Lizzy Grant

    Charli XCX

    Hand in the fire instrumental - edit: IM screaming the radio station said they were playing hand in the fire but its actually
  9. Born To Die - 35 Off To The Races - 63 Blue Jeans - 56 Video Games - 25 National Anthem - 20 Ride - 90 American - 41 Cola - 28
  10. Skipping is never the record really. Try weighting your needle or getting a new turntable
  11. 1. Shades of Cool 2. West Coast 3. Flipside 4. Ultraviolence 5. Brooklyn Baby 6. Is This Happiness 7. Black Beauty 8. Cruel World 9. Florida Kilos 10. Pretty When You Cry 11. Sad Girl 12. Old Money 13. Fucked my way up to the top 14. The Other Woman 15. Guns and Roses 16. Money Power Glory I love her best album. No bad songs. MPG is borderline bad though
  12. AKA Lizzy Grant


    The label always owns the music not the artist. Halfaxa and Geidi Primes were released thru Arbutus records and claire is now with 4AD, so Arbutus gets all the coin
  13. Delilah galantis remix - boring tbh Kinda pissed because Delilah could smash as a single but she isn't promo'ing it
  14. Lovveeee borders. first thing i listened to this morning
  15. I used her hair split as a reference point and it looks like its the same position ??
  16. Neon Nature merch on sale on her US store till Dec. 6 http://usstore.marinaandthediamonds.com/froot.html?intcmp=151125/mdiamonds/atl/s_hp/s_cat/ban/bdy/us/neonnaturemerch_holidays_freeship_storebanner
  17. This is truly ha messiest era. The album art is a MESS
  18. do people have anything ? I was under the impression that she's so new and small that people don't have any material from ha
  19. I'll be surprised if we get some amazing magnum opus from this album....Its basically a bunch of songs that no artists wanted so she used it to make an album
  20. One Million Bullets is good. Least fav so far though
  21. Boarders coming 2morrow. Secure your wigs girls
  22. It will definatly sound like shit. The highest quality we have of lanas unreleased and LDR is like 256kbps, sometimes 128kbps. That qual. on a record will sound horrendous, also considering that they won't remaster the track.
  23. I only have her studio albums, someone please pm me her unreleased?
  24. Born To Die - 34 Off To The Races - 53 Blue Jeans - 66 Video Games - 26 National Anthem - 28 Summertime Sadness - 8 Ride - 49 American - 41 Cola - 36 Burning Desire - 17
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