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AKA Lizzy Grant

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Everything posted by AKA Lizzy Grant

  1. AKA Lizzy Grant


    what is in the special edition cd? edit: nvm, it just has 3 new songs right? no diff packaging?
  2. Why is lana stuck on 79 I want ha to get that 80
  3. "Reading interviews with Halsey or scrolling through her Twitter feed, you get the sense of a canny and talented performer, one who legitimately wants to connect with fans. But the public persona only comes through on Badlands in fits and starts, and there isn't a single subversive or original second on the album. "We are the new Americana/ High on legal marijuana/ Raised on Biggie and Nirvana," goes the chorus on "New Americana." Like most of Badlands, it's calculated, defiant, and, ultimately, hollow." http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/20951-badlands/ 4.9 "Badlands is recycle bin pop. No amount of spam changes that" https://twitter.com/theneedledrop/status/640574666436943872 "we have another colorfully dressed completely faceless pop landing on top of a bunch of synthetic overall atmospheric instrumentals with a voice that is totally unrecognizable" Also, she doesn't even have a metacritic
  4. AKA Lizzy Grant

    Thanks !! I couldn't figure out how to DL LMAO
  5. AKA Lizzy Grant

    This new song is amazing. why is it only released on the google play store though
  6. You posted the wrong one sis, here ya go!
  7. Queen of copying. I loved the mockingjay trailer tho
  8. Girl. How many times are you gonna say how much you love badlands
  9. My point is that its a fact that Halsey's range isn't "huge". She probably sings at the same octave and note in each one of her songs
  10. Sis how good someones range is not opinion, its factual
  11. I don't know if this is unpopular but it seems like it is, I haven't been feeling 24 or swan song that much
  12. Im assuming it was just between them, seems more intimate. Also I'm guessing Barrie produced it
  13. Is the EU vinyl different than the US one?
  14. Also I've concluded Ceremonials > HBHBHB > Lungs Will florence ever top Ceremonials? Imo its ha magnum opus
  15. Ive been listening to HBHBHB a lot recentley and I've realized how the deluxe tracks (Pure feeling, which witch, conductor) are better than a lot of the songs on the standard
  16. The vinyl comes november right? I guess ill be getting two surprise gifts that month (HM boxset and cry baby pic vinyl)
  17. Im guessing whats going to happen is that the first few people are gonna get told by security that there time is over and then lana is going to say no let them stay
  18. Is anyone going to it? Whenever it is? Also lets speculate where the venue is. Lets keep amoeba and urban still a possibility cause I've seen no receipts that they said no.
  19. its first 125 people. those 125 get the wristbands tomorrow morning and come back at 6pm for the signing
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