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strange weather

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Posts posted by strange weather

  1. I am so happy that I'm not the only fan in love with this song.


    Also, to the people saying Lana wouldn't be herself if she did fun, uptempo music... the demos to BTD were almost all happier and more upbeat than the final product, which underwent severe Haynie-fication. She's done more than her fair share of upbeat stuff. It would totally be "her" to do something quicker-paced than a dirge. Just because she became known for Video Games (and subsequently the whole of BTD became "Hollywood Softcore") doesn't mean she can't make music that's fun but still idiosyncratic.


    totally. that's why i think casual fans who haven't heard lana's unreleased stuff only know half the story. a lot of those songs are upbeat & poppy in their lana-ish way. she does pop in a very unique way & i'd love to hear that again from her.


    & on the subject of unreleased songs: i wouldn't want any on the new album UNLESS she released it as a single and made a killer music video for it. that would be the only reason to re-release one.

  2. i don't listen to UV as often as i listen to lana's other stuff, but i came to this thread and then looked up the tracklist to decide and...


    UV is pretty damn solid. i pretty much enjoy every song, even if i have to be in a specific mood for some of them. ultimately, it's cohesive, which makes it difficult to pick & choose. 


    best: florida kilos, shades of cool, west coast, MPG, FMWUTTP, flipside


    worst: the other woman, old money

  3. wow! it's so rude to try to kiss her without asking first or while she's fucking singing. actually, it's kind of awkward in general and i could never see myself even asking but...since she has happily kissed other fans i would secretly hope she would want to kiss me too! what a gift that would be  :flutter:

  4. I've always been obsessed with "You're Gonna Love Me" and will always be. It's just such a simple song but yet so special to me. It gives me a nostalgic feeling and I feel so peaceful.


    it makes me think of an unknown, unfamous lana sitting in an apartment in brooklyn, strumming her acoustic guitar, wishing more people would take notice of her songs  :flutter:

  5. so the live performance is a little different than the recorded version, right? when i first listened to it i was convinced it was "drinking cherry COLA" (because of the background vocals) but then it became clear to me that it was COKE (esp. since it rhymes better with 'note'). 


    however--in the live version she is clearly singing "cola." hmmmm

  6. Honestly, I'm guessing her team hasn't learned anything and that she'll premier the song on the may 7th date of the Endless Summer Tour, and drop the video for west coast the morning after. Basically the same as west coast x coachella. Things are just lining them selves up and points to the tour reveal, video shoot right before tour, honeymoon being finished, etc. But i don't really care if she gets good promo for the era, i mean lana probably doesn't give a fuck either. Fans that obsess over charts and sells bug the hell out of me, just because your fav sold more does not mean they are instantly amazing, it mostly means they're generic and bland.


    personally i don't care about the charts, BUT i want her to do promo because i want HQ live performances and video interviews :( it doesn't make sense to drop a song/video and then forget about it. (or an album, for that matter *coughultraviolencecough*)

  7. I "mostly" prefer her unreleased work.


    oh, same. there's something for everyone in her unreleased stuff, IMO. it's all so enjoyable that there are only a few tracks i actively dislike. if i overplay half her discography, there's always another half to listen to. isn't it a rare thing to have SO MUCH of an artists unreleased work? how was she so prolific? i'm fascinated by the worlds inside of those songs & the circumstances of her recording them as well. 


    sorry, /rant


    "serial killer" has been a favorite for some time, but there's something really addictive about it recently. i wish it could have had a music video in the style of her ellen van unwerth shoot.




  8. Saddest Song Pretty When You Cry, Shades of Cool, Tired of Singing the Blues, Is This Happiness

Most Underrated Song
 You're Gonna Love Me, Because of You, Breaking My Heart

    Best Lyrics
 Off to the Races, Queen of the Gas Station, Raise Me Up (Mississippi South)

    Best Live Performance
 Million Dollar Man (New Orleans, 2014), Blue Jeans (Le Grand Journal), Carmen (NPR)

    Best Laptop/A Cappella Song
 Midnight Dancer Girlfriend

    Best Acoustic Song You're Gonna Love Me, Out With a Bang

Best Cover Heart-Shaped Box

Best Demo
 National Anthem, This is What Makes Us Girls, Hundred Dollar Bill


    we need more categories, tbh! what happened the the ranking in december...?

  9. i think lana will be looked back upon as an icon/innovator/part of the 2010s zeitgeist. going forward, i think she will be around as long as she wants to be. we know how prolific lana can be & how a part of her music-making is. i think we have a lot of albums to look forward to.

  10. this is perfect, honestly, & pretty much confirms what i've felt about the questions of who the "authentic" lana is. the lyrics she writes are about her & they aren't. they are completely her emotionally--but maybe not 100% factually. that's okay. i love the world she has created for herself (& for us). she wrote herself into existence, into notoriety, for better & for worse. it's kinda incredible/completely lucky.


    You're Gonna Love Me is vulnerable, haunting, and heartbreaking lyrically and melodically. Does it resonate with anyone else? I never see it mentioned!



    you're gonna love me is really special to me. i think of lana sitting in her NY apt in obscurity, writing this song to get herself through it  :flutter:

  12. I am currently sooo haunted and intoxicated by gloominess of Last Girl on Earth, maybe one of her saddest songs, with mixture of melancholy, latent surrender but still unvincible longing, like she is standing on the edge of the cliff, behind her devastated desert, in front of her immense dark ocean with hallucinant sparkles of faint hope. 


    me too. it's one of her strangest songs to me. i absolutely love lana's imagination. 

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