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strange weather

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Posts posted by strange weather

  1. Honeymoon is her most beautiful release so far. Everything feels much more natural on the album and her writing is also consistently good through out the whole record. I love that it consists of a variation of sounds yet it still flows beautifully. It's a trip.


    There was life in Born To Die? Where? The atmosphere was so empty. Her vocals were lacking, the lyrics were overdone for the most part... No, the whole thing was overdone. Born To Die is good but it simply pales in comparison with her other releases.


    Also, what makes a Lana song good is a combination of her delivery, lyrics and production so nitpicking her writing  is kinda pointless( and annoys me). If it works within the context of the song, I couldn't care less if it looks bad on paper.


    and that's your opinion? i'm allowed to have a different one. 


    um, go listen to OTTR and tell me there's no life and energy in it. i didn't even mention BTD specifically, lol. either way, BTD isn't a perfect album but at least it isn't boring and it tells a story. and i'm not only referring to her released catalog, but also her vast amount of unreleased songs. she is capable of so many different genres and productions and atmospheres--why is she settling for music to sleep to? her older slow, sparse songs at least had interesting lyrics. 


    also, i'm not talking about the lyrics on paper. they are just not interesting in general. more than that, they are sometimes lazy. i agree that it is a combination of all those elements that make her songs great, but that's the problem. she's missing a vital element on honeymoon. she even admitted that the album was more about vibes than lyrics and it shows. it's disappointing for me because they are a big part of why i became so interested in her music. 

  2. i hate to say it, but i'm so over honeymoon. i have been for a long time. 


    with her other songs/albums, the lyrics told stories, had interesting references, added to the mystery of lana del rey. there were things to unpack and analyze. there was life in her music, playfulness. all of that is sorely lacking on honeymoon.


    in some ways it reminds me of what happened to tori amos. she kept producing her own albums with the same musicians and same yes men and no one to challenge her. and what happened? after awhile--blandness, shitty production, lack of inspiration, etc. both lana and tori prefer to be in total control but that's not the way to grow as an artist if you remain set in your ways. 

  3. Is the "Rai-rai, rai-raise me up" part actually "Ray Ray, Ray raise me up" 'cause you know, Ray's a guy in Kill Kill and such. I feel dumb for asking this but I've been wondering for at least 3 years so :hooker:


    okay hopefully someone will know what i'm talking about & i'm not crazy but--


    there was an email lana sent to a friend with an early version of this song attached and the filename was "Rayse Me Up" or something to that effect. so i definitely think it's a reference to ray.

  4. You have to keep in mind that Lana writes her own material. She ain't Rihanna who gets all written for her and who in the past had yearly releases for her first seven albums.

    When you release or write so many songs in a short period of time like Lana, things can get to a point where it lacks something. And maybe we have reached that point with Honeymoon.

    I think that a 2year gap would be fine and more exciting production.


    true, but we do know that lana is incredibly prolific (or is capable of such). she could also release stuff that she hasn't yet (songs or demos that HAVEN'T been leaked), re-work or officially release the leaked stuff we do have, release (homemade) videos we haven't seen, etc etc. she has a lot of material to work with already, it's a matter of her wanting to, which i don't think she does. unfortunately. 


    also i think from what she's said, touring takes a lot of out of her and may even interfere with her writing. instead of touring so much, she could go live her life and get inspired however she needs to. the other part of the problem is she needs to get out of her comfort zone and work with new people, but that's a different issue.

  5. I don't know how she writes songs nowadays. There's supposed to be a Cola laptop demo, but we've never gotten that. I don't think we have demos for any of the UV songs except maybe the "radio mix" of West Coast. We know a segment was cut from Cruel World. But if she doesn't use her guitar or create acappellas... how is she writing nowadays? Acappellas are what people who don't play an instrument use to write music (see: Michael Jackson's demo for Beat It). She's said she sits down to write at the same time every day "because your muse will know where to find you," but her process is still shrouded in mystery. If only interviewers asked about this stuff instead of the tired "feminism? depression? fashion?" questions.


    i asked the same thing in the minor questions thread because i'm so curious about it as well. from the little she's explained of writing this album, it seems like rick nowels sat at a piano playing chord progressions while lana made up lyrics & melodies over it.


    Don't know if this "unpopular," but it is a series of opinions.


    I remember reading a piece that spearheaded Lana’s importance: holding up the lonely torch of the female depressive in pop culture as a voice that deserves to be heard.


    I agree with this. It's so easy to see her disaffected nature as a defect, but it's at the core of who she is and why she makes art to begin with. It's what gives her introspection, but also brings forth isolation.



    i don't have anything meaningful to add except that you said everything so perfectly that i am floored. this is exactly what every lana fan needs to realize, that i sympathize with, that i even relate to in myself. thank you.

  7. strangeweather-

    no I disagree. It means she cannot put into words how she is feeling that, she feels it so much.


    i get what it's trying to do. i still think it's lazy writing to say you can't describe something. it seems like a cop out to me.


    she does it again in the blackest day--which i love--but the whole song is so emotional overall that i can forgive it. also, it's not as blatant: "i don't even know what i'm saying" vs. "it's not easy for me to talk about / i have heavy heartstrings / you're not simple, it's trigonometry / it's hard to express, i can't explain" -- which is more effective? the latter is a better example of what you are talking about. american isn't.

  8. OMG Paradixo, American is not only one of my favorites, it has one of the five most important Lana direct meaning quotes in it-









    literally one of her worst lyrics/bridges EVER. takes me right out of the song. you don't know what you're saying? that is lazy ass writing.


    honeymoon could be perfect if it had more interesting lyrics, tbh. i've grown to love it a lot more but it's missing that. there's little emotional connection, except in songs like the blackest day, TLY, & swan song...

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