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Everything posted by divebarsinger

  1. maybe lana is actually a hologram who is in her mid sixties and never existed
  2. she did repeatedly say "life imitates art." and really pushed that idea herself tbh
  3. also don't forget, women can be over 30 and attractive without being sexual. it's perfectly ok. yay
  4. do we really have to do a history lesson here on how having negative views on LGBT people inevitably extends to all minorities, how these attitudes are prevalent in society anyway and how christianity itself has continuing roots in white supremacy and heteronormativity, whilst also being a powerful institution that influences stuff like government? particularly when they're a cult-like branch with ridiculously rich attendees. i'm having another stroke. some of you all really need your eyes more open edit: 'heterophobia' is not real. thanks
  5. i've just realised how she's recorded and thrown away songs like confetti in the past and how her unreleased back catalogue is huge and why i'm still so shocked and irritated by this behaviour from her tbh
  6. haven't posted here yet, but.. i think it depends if you can separate the art from the artist. the persona she used to have was very wrapped up with the music, so i sort of loved her by default. now that image is eroding and she's doing things like hanging out with homophobes and acting totally contemptuous of fans, despite being very active on social media with a completed album and not being a hermit who has retired from public life "for creative reasons" or whatever... it's becoming hard to even like her. to me she's just coming across like a true brat, i mean granted there was always a slightly bratty quality about her but it was coupled with some vulnerability and realness and it was endearing. like the lost young person we've all been at some point i could hear the new album and love it, but it would definitely be ruined for me by her recent choices and behaviour. she can sing about beautiful things and create beautiful, emotionally charged imagery and writing sure, but.... her life choices are shallow and in some ways very harmful, so now it just seems disingenuous some people are okay with singers being that way, for it to all be an image and an act and that's fine, it's just personal preference, but when you've believed something as genuine for so long and it's why you were touched in the first place. it's deeply disappointing, i felt so "got" by her for such a long time
  7. this has all become a bit "i have gay friends so i can't be homophobic."
  8. if she's hanging with people from hillsong and counts them as good friends does it really make any difference though?! idk. i wouldn't count people from a church like that as friends, she's clearly in with or at least a part of their community
  9. is her hair a bit wet?! omg they baptised her
  10. .... i knew doin time wouldn't cut it as a 'lana classic' or anything and people would fall out of love with it, think it's cos it's so repetitive
  11. -sings as everyone argues- raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
  12. this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrrAr6YQ3c0&feature=youtu.be some of it definitely seems accurate. makes 2018/2019 predictions in terms of her life/career/health
  13. i swear to god if this is the duet that psychic a few pages back talked about years ago i will be unstanning. pls no, this is worse than her hanging out with her cheesy friends all day and sipping ugly beverages
  14. oh god in heaven not ellie goulding PLEASE I BEG, i would take a duet with some crusty like mick jagger over this just pls
  15. swear to god it feels like we've got an incel around here
  16. yeah, i wouldn't agree she's an airhead as such. i'd just say she's a creative and politics is largely more about theory and not about idealism. i make NO excuses for her whatsoever cos i don't believe she doesn't have a general awareness she's just ignoring, however it's not uncommon for creatives to have this "everything is about love" "it will be ok" "let's all respect each other" "we'll find a way" viewpoint that's unhelpful and unnecessary imo it's sort of like john lennon singing about no possessions whilst on a baby grand piano worth thousands of dollars
  17. i'd say some of that was definitely research as a fan and a tad obvious for example we know mary is obviously an influence cos she dressed like her in the tropico film but ooooh the 'feminine issues' health stuff, the future partner and delays with a release. tad spooky in parts
  18. i'm by no means a skeptic, but i love how we've reached these levels -gets out crystal ball-
  19. i thought ariana's 'thank u next' was the blandest, dullest song ever that'd be nothing without the music video that went with it jaysus
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