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Everything posted by sjatib

  1. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    But wasnt his father a succesful investor?
  2. But we have already Without you and Margaret :/
  3. So many things keeping NFR from being perfect from my point of view, but yes, TNBAR is one of her worst songs yet (the final one being worse than the demo as well).
  4. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    About the choices for a tattoo, to each their own ones I guess. Representing Elizabeth Short, who underwent the worst possible fate, almost as some kind of Halloween character... Yes, gruesome and absolutely disrespectful.
  5. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    Damn. Not judging the intentions of the tattoo owner, but its disturbing to see at the very least.
  6. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    Which friend? Does anybody have pictures of the tattoo?
  7. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    She posted some similar picture during NFR tour and... ye, nothing happened. But this kinda makes sense :/
  8. This is just so beautiful to see. So glad for both of you, sincerely ♥️
  9. Is it me or there's something different with her face on this last three shows? Like her features are shaper, more recognisable again or something? Precision: I mean it in the best possible way. Like, its the best she has looked in years for me.
  10. Only rational explanation. The fact that they have the nerve to sell that for that price (and the fact that there'll be people paying it)...
  11. So they produced a whole show to announce the awards but didnt care to announce Lana's category but on Twitter...? Can't blame her for not showing up, to be honest.
  12. Its curious because the variety -more precisely, the fact that she made it work somehow- is maybe the thing I like the most about BB. I wasn't pleased when all of the leaked songs were anounced, yet found myself loving how they flowed with the new ones once the record was released. Particularly The Trio, Dealer and WW's ending are key to the dynamics of the record for me. They add character and momentum without sounding out of place. But that's my point of view, of course. Love being able to discuss perspectives in such a constructive way.
  13. I know the consensus regarding NFR quite differs from what I've expressed here, but it's valid -and healthy as well- to have a disident criteria as far as it's argumented. And yes, BB is one of her best constructed records yet for me.
  14. NFR is for me a hundred times more "mid" than COTCC or BB. Both of the latter had cohesiveness, a defining sound and aesthetic, none of which I've been able to found on NFR even 4 years after its release. Not a hater of the album, but I think its just nonsense to say that its sucessors are worse.
  15. sjatib

    Ethel Cain

    But its not a matter of being thematically superior or inferior. I'm not the biggest fan of BTD's lyrics in terms of how much affinity I can develop towards them, but they are undoubtedly precise and effective at pursuing their purpose: to depict the opulence and grandiosity of north american elite's dynamics and a certain way to experience relationships which, even if controversial, was and is absolutely real for many, many people. It isnt less true, anyway, that time and artistical growth has helped Lana to find a new quite critique and nuanced way to approach to that same reality and that she isn't anymore canonising it, but making it accountable for its uncountable flaws and problematics -many of which she has found herself to be a victim of, or at least to have been exposed to them and their toxicity-. There's nothing wrong with pointing at how Lana's sight is now quite more broad, rich and wide than it was at her beginnings. If anything, it is a compliment aimed at an artist that has fought hard to evolve and to become who she is nowadays.
  16. sjatib

    Ethel Cain

    Totally agree. Lana has built a legendary aesthethic and a solid artistic proposal thats highly referenced to a world as problematic as no less than Hollywood itself. Even herself has stated strong critics agains that microcosmos along her career and has matured her views on it until deconstructing it and tearing it apart to find new paths (all the hype regarding NFR among the critics was mainly from that interpretation of the record). I dont get the point of pointing Ethel for stating nothing but the sheer truth.
  17. Most of the critics I've seen are regarding its lack of promo and the fact that there are many previously leaked songs in it, or that the songs aren't as upbeat as some wanted. Still haven't seen a rational argumentation on why it isn't a good project though. Two years after its release it remains Lana's most powerful and beautiful record for me.
  18. sjatib

    Florence + The Machine

    Was lucky enough to be at the closing gig and still recovering. Along Lana, she may be the most relevant female alternative artist alive. It was truly a privilege to witness her performing.
  19. sjatib

    Arcade Fire

    Laika, Afterlife, Mountains beyond mountains, Rabbit Hole, We exist, Wake Up, Reflektor. Their most accesible records are, from my point of view, Funeral and The Suburbs. My personal favourite is maybe Reflektor.
  20. sjatib

    Arcade Fire

    Been following AF for a decade and got to finally see them live last week. Not just their music is some of the best work released this century, but their live is more than outstanding as well. Couldn't be more invested in their artistic proposal right now. Highly reccomend to anyone who hasn't got into them to give their music a chance.
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